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Eyepiece kit or single good quality EP

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Ah - but that's my point - the 200P is not F5, but an F6 scope - so a 6mm EP will give you 200x - not the 5mm. A 5mm will give you 240x - which is pushing it a bit.

Then again - these figures are always just guidelines not instant cross-over points. Nonetheless I'd be reluctant for 240x to be my main mag, less than 220x I'd say.

ahh sorry - I went off the info stated.

I bet you'll still have a good use every now and again for the 5mm and certainly on the moon - see how it goes - if it's not working out then sell - you won't lose much I bet - otherwise ask for an exchange (maybe contact the seller tonight as they may not have dispatched yet?).

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I own a Skyliner 200p Dobsonian which came with both a 10mm and 25mm. As a beginner it is very difficult know quality from cheap, to me both my eyepieces have so far given me some stunning views, but I too am feeling the urge to invest in a barlow, some filters and some other eye-pieces both for planetary observing and DOS, which is why when I came across the Celestron Eyeopener Eyepiece and Filter Kit I thought it a good deal. Now after reading some of these comments I am unsure.

Whilst I don't want to spend a huge amount of money I also don't want to buy something cheap only to be disappointed by the quality. I liked Rossco72's comment about buying a nice planetary EP at 5-8mm and a good workhorse at 12-18mm which he says would provide plenty of options along with my existing EP's at present. But there appear to be so many brands - it's all a bit confusing. Ultimately I want to be happy with what I invest my money in, but I don't want to break the bank.

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