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How do I clean eyepieces & telescope collector plate?

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Hello everyone!

I've just returned from a rather excellent Salisbury Star Party and my first and only night of observing was stopped prematurely by dew. I had a homemade dew shield (which worked surprisingly well) and hair dryer but fighting the dew was a losing battle anyway so I retired early...

Anyhow, I've noticed that I've managed to get some dirt on my eyepieces (I think a little pollen+dew+grease) and also a little dirt (I think it's just dust + pollen) on the telescope collector plate.

How do I clean this off? I wear spectacles and have spectacle lens cleaner, but I'm not sure if this mix (I think it's just methanol + water) is suitable for these lenses.

I've searched for the forum but haven't found any useful advice on cleaning yet..

Am I missing something obvious or can I simply go ahead with a spray bottle of lens cleaning solution (for glasses) and a microfiber cloth?

Thanks for your time,


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hi Mike

I use Isopropyl Alcohol and an occasional misting of breath plus cotton buds to carefully clean my eyepieces after they get dirty - not too often of course but they all do but AFTER blowing off anything obvious with a bulb bower.

There's good advice on the TV site here Tele Vue Optics: Cleaning Eyepiece and Telescope Optics if it's good enough for them.....

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Hi Mike,

I also use Baader Wonder Fluid it really is magic stuff. I'd also recommend getting the cloth that you can buy with it on the link Ben gave.

A tip for cleaning small recessed lenses like you find on the short focal length plossls - once the dust has been blown off, fold the microfibre cloth to form a point then use it to clean with whilst gently rotating the eyepiece.

Just take your time and start with your lowest value eyepiece whilst you perfect your cleaning method :)

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