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Rhymney Valley girl here ;)

We did have a South Wales group get together once. It was a small, but perfectly formed, group - Peter (Psychobilly), Kevin and me :icon_eek: and we met at the mountain centre in Brecon and had a great night! (Kev's smile that night when he got his first astro photo was brilliant :eek:).

We've got lots of pretty good dark sites around us :D

I can set up a Group if there's enough interest, and we can organise an informal get together and see how it goes....


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there might be a few more people interested in this group i will point a few other in this direction. may be i could sort a night out at the CAS observatory once we get it completed. i to go up to the mountain centre and will be doing solar observing from there with CAS weather permitting on 31st July. when we go up on our own we go slightly higher copy and past these cords into Google maps and it will point to the location 51.926431, -3.499457 it has a better horizon and there is place to park. we have done this quite a few time now and on a good night it really is awesome.

just off to look for the group thing....


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Found it and joined.

should be able to get that sorted, I am project managing the build of the thing. we are nearly finished and should be open mid September (if not before) see The Observatory Project there are a few more pictures to go on from this week but I will do that tomorrow.

I will let everyone know when it done trust me it will be available to look around on the weekend of 11th & 12th September 10am - 6pm finished or not

we hope to do some solar observing on the day.


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OK lets start at the top

Pat you are correct it is Friday the 30th at 8PM not the 31st as I said.

CAS hold two observing events "observers club meeting" and ""observing sessions".

Observing sessions:

These are weather dependent and will only go ahead if the the weather is good enough. They are held at Castle heights in Caerphilly or at Dyffryn Gardens St Nicolas Cardiff the Director of observation usually alternates between sights. these start around dusk and run officially until midnight. the more hardy of us stay on longer depending once again on conditions etc. we are looking for suitable location in the Gwent area so if you know of somewhere get it location from Google and send me the cords and i will take a look with our Dir of obs

Observers club meeting:

These happen on the last Friday of every month and are not weather dependent. They are held at Mountain lakes golf club on Caerphilly mountain in all weather well snow is a problem sometimes, but not right now.(paste these co-ords into Google maps for location. 51.551709,-3.238851) if it is clear and some one has brought a scope we do go out and do some observing if the owner is willing to set up. and 9 time out of ten that is what they want anyway.

oh and don't forget the lectures we hold at the university in Cardiff all the dates of the next event meeting session will always be fount on the front page of the web site it changes at midnight to the next meeting so the dates are always up to date just scroll down the page to see it all. the programme for lectures is to be found on the left hand side of the page under "programme"

and to finish I have requested the observatory for an evening i will confirm date ASAP ad to date no one has objected as they have something planned.

Dyffryn gardens co-ordinates are 51.444158, -3.305039 the observatory is within the gardens and behind security gate as yet Google has not updated the pictures to show its location. the whole area around the observatory has been altered over the past few years. we think that observing SESIONS there will be held in the area around the observatory but until it is complete we meet in the car park here 51.446044, -3.302523. time for these sessions are on the front page of our website all are welcome to attend either type of event.

Hope it helps


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sorry Pat i got carried away. i will now answer your question

we also do outreach events and that is what the solar event in Brecon is on the 31st July this is once again weather dependent don't travel especially unless you know its running we will make the call on the day before tentatively and see what the morning brings. should start at 10 am if it goes ahead and go for most of the day finishing around 16:00 is or earlier if the cloud/rain comes. we will also be doing these on Oct at Dyffryn gardens if its clear but not from the observatory unless we use it as a shake down test day.


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there might be a few more people interested in this group i will point a few other in this direction. may be i could sort a night out at the CAS observatory once we get it completed. i to go up to the mountain centre and will be doing solar observing from there with CAS weather permitting on 31st July. when we go up on our own we go slightly higher copy and past these cords into Google maps and it will point to the location 51.926431, -3.499457 it has a better horizon and there is place to park. we have done this quite a few time now and on a good night it really is awesome.

just off to look for the group thing....


So are you at the mountain centre Saturday and it so what time?


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Of course you can Pat but they must remember if the weather is poor we will not be going I would not want people to travel unnecessary distance to find us absent. I know I would not be to impressed, and it has happened before.


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