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Anyone use Digital Setting Circles?

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Hi Guys, I'm after some advice please...

I've got an old LX10 which has been gathering dust because it was so difficult to find anything. I've recently bought a Megrez 90 which is getting much more use because its easy to set up. But... I was thinking that given my observing time is quite limited (heavy work pressures) that I could use my time better if I could find things more easily. I've thought about just getting a celestron GT/SLT mount for the Megrez, but a couple of people have advised that that might not be stable enough for the Megrez.

So I've been looking at alternatives and after a lot of googling.. I've found Digital Setting Circles. To me they look like they might solve both my problems - I can buy one handset and two sets of encoders and sort out both my scopes (at a price - but Christams is coming!!).

I've looked at Lumicon, JMI and the Australian firm Wildcard (Argo Navis).

Has anyone any experience of these? or is able to offer alternatives?



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I've used the JMI NGC Mini system on an Dob. It worked great but the display was the old "digital watch" type (if you know what I mean). It was an older system so they've probably changed this.

All in all I had no real complaints, it did what it claimed to do.


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