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Skywatcher 300P Flex AUTO v Meade Lightbridge 12"

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Hi there folks,

I've been recently striken with a bout of aperture fever and after some soul searching :eek:, decided I would like to buy a 12" dobsonian. After some research, I have whittled down my choices to two contenders.

Skywatcher 300P Flex AUTO or Meade Lightbridge 12".

I like the idea of tracking and collapsability of the 300P (with the potential to upgrade to a goto with a synscan AZ HC - not that important). Plus it sounds like it holds collimation better than the Lightbridge.

On the other hand, I really like the truss design of the Lightbridge, which not only looks nicer, but to my mind might make it a bit more transportable (every little helps being a city lad 'n all ;)) and I quite happy collimating in the field. Also it seems to me the features, build quality and optics are better on the Meade. I also gather it is possible to make a Lightbridge track with a JMI TNT mod (although doing the DIY does put me off a bit).

Any thoughts on which one I should go for?

And any advice on other mods I should think about?

Many thanks in advance


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I would go for the 300P, and BTW it has if anything better optics and better build quality than the Meade. The Meade really needs some mods as well to work properly. Google Meade Lightbridge Mods to see what I mean. The only single thing I like better about the Meade is the focuser. However for about £130.00 you can bolt a much better focuser than the Meade one onto the 300P.

The Lightbridge isn't a bad scope by any means but I think the 300P has the edge.


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Yeah, I'm starting to feel the pull towards the Skywatcher. Thanks for the advice.

Just a quick question, I presume I would still need to setting circles for the AUTO version?



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The Flextube Auto is still a "push to" device (with or without using arrow keys) - even when the motors are running. As such you need to know where your object is. A simple "Wixey" angle guage will give you your elevation to an acceptable tollerance (only £25 ish), and you can put an accurately made compass circle on the base to indicate azimuth (maybe in perspex) and a pointer on the mount. Two very simple and cheap upgrades :eek:

Alternatively you can star hop from a known object.

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Thanks John,

Yes, I had seen that, but was trying to avoid ;) as I'm a bit of a sucker for goto I'm afraid. :eek:

Since there's few autos in the country, I might as well wait to see how much this thing will cost.



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