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M29 - A small surprise...


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Having discovered the delights of a steady (pillar) under my Synscan MAK127 GoTo, I popped-off (via Stellarium) quite a few Messiers, in short order. After several grey blobs (globs!), I was almost in danger of becoming blase - Until I came across M29...

Despite uninspiring descriptions, I found it quite an attractive little thing. Against a lot of (Milky Way) background, still evident as a small OC, as a tight, memorable asterism. Personal perception doubtless, but "pretty" - different(?), worthy of another look... :D

Determined to move beyond "Post-it label" logging as a result! :p

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At just under a quarter size of the moon, it is a small, but coarse little cluster in Cygnus, so it's in a rich area . It looks like a little stubby Dipper according to Messiers Album.

But Hey, It's there to see, and you've seen it. Put it in the Book :D.


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