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AZ Goto & Stellarium

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has anyone managed to get a Skymax AZ Goto mount to work with Stellarium? I have tried everything in the threads I could find on SGL.

I just keep getting 'device not open' error.

Any clues or help would be greatly appreciated.


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A quick check list:

1. Handset connected to computer through a serial port or a serial / usb adapter that is known to work - some serial/usb adapters don't work.

2. Stellarium correctly configured to allow telescope control - Skywatcher Synscan AZ Goto selected as the telescope type and telscope plugin configured to activate on Stellarium startup

3. Handset set to pc direct mode.


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Mine seems to be working ok but it took me quite a few hours to figure it out , if i had my handset set to pc direct it would not connect and by chance i tried it without setting handset to pc and it worked great after that . Have repeated numerous times and is always the same for me ( no pc direct ) maybe give that a shot and check you have the correct drivers for your mount , good luck .

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tried it with and without PC direct and no joy. Which driver are you using?

Do you have a link?

I just keep getting the 'device not open' message despite Stellarium saying that the mount is connected. I have tried every com port configuration and all available USB ports.



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Tony, I cannot connect Pc to Scope except by modem, Com Port will refuse no matter what I try.

What I did was as follows:

In Windows Hardware I deleted the Com Port and driver and refreshed, the Com Port came up and asked me to install a driver. I directed it to a modem driver and Windows searched the internet for one and came up with Motorola Comp Modem, this I installed and have had no problems since.

If that works then my suggestion is to search for Motorola Comp Modem, download it and place where you can direct the hardware search for it, hope this helps.


PS, I am using Stellarium v0.10.5

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I have finally got it all working. Reading your previous post got me thinking, so I started again from scratch. The main difference this time was that I actually went into device manager and found out which com port the cable was using and made sure everything matched up in Stellarium and Stellariumscope. I used the Celestron Nextar 5i driver and 'Bob's yer uncle'.

Can't thank you enough for your reply because it was you that made me look at the whole thing again. You are a true hero and may you be blessed with cloud free nights.

Kind regards


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