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HEQ5 Clatter

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I know this has been raised before, but I can't remember what the conclusion was.

My HEQ5 mount makes a huge clattering noise when it slews at high speed. I recall that others have mentioned this too, and there have been various threads about opening up the mount and lubricating the gears.

Now, I am loathe to open up and dismantle the mount. I would probably lose half the bits and never get it back together again. Tracking and auto-guiding both seem fine, so my inclination is to leave it well alone. If it ain't broke don't fix it. But I have a nagging doubt that something needs to be done.

So what's the general concensus. Is it normal for HEQ5s to make a clattering noise? Perhaps I could compare it with someone else's, or pay to have it serviced. Anyone nearby willing to compare clatter?

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There can be quite a bit of play that you would not normally notice - once all the play is taken up by driving the whole thing runs quietly. My new HEQ5 fairly rattles away at high slew speed (which I used a lot of when it was new - Boy with a new toy!!!). I really don't think you should worry too much Luke.

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There can be quite a bit of play that you would not normally notice - once all the play is taken up by driving the whole thing runs quietly. My new HEQ5 fairly rattles away at high slew speed (which I used a lot of when it was new - Boy with a new toy!!!). I really don't think you should worry too much Luke.

Hope you're enjoying your new toy! Just wanted to compare clatter, but it sounds like nothing to worry about.

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I've only had one quick half hour with the new toy (darned weather!) - It doesn't half make a difference! I've only ever had a "manually" driven mount before and didn't realise just how much time gets wasted "twiddling" to keep things in view!! All I have to do now is get it REALLY well aligned then I can start with a few photo's I hope.

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The clatter sound - is it continous or only at motor start up ?

Most Skywatcher HEQ5 and EQ6 make a chattering sound as they start up and sometimes as they wind down from full speed but during slewing they aren generally quiet with just a turbine sound. Some do make a sort of quiet gernak-gernak-gernak sound.

I doubt its anything to worry about - if your near Gatwick your welcome to come listen to mine or have me take a look for you. Likewise if your going to be at the Salisbury star party then I will be there along with lots of other HEQ5 owners and you could check out then.

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The clatter sound - is it continous or only at motor start up ?

Most Skywatcher HEQ5 and EQ6 make a chattering sound as they start up and sometimes as they wind down from full speed but during slewing they aren generally quiet with just a turbine sound. Some do make a sort of quiet gernak-gernak-gernak sound.

I doubt its anything to worry about - if your near Gatwick your welcome to come listen to mine or have me take a look for you. Likewise if your going to be at the Salisbury star party then I will be there along with lots of other HEQ5 owners and you could check out then.

Thanks Astro_Baby. It only really clatters when it's winding down from full speed. So I guess it's OK.

I avoid Gatwcik wherever possble, so thanks for the invite but not sure when I'll be able to take you up on the offer!

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In that case I'd leave it alone. The fix can be quite scarey and if your not confident with mechanical stuff you are way better off leaving well alone. Its not hurting the mount or causing any problems so dont panic that the mount is knackered or anything.

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