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Occultation of Venus

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After reading peoples reports about the early crescent moon and Venus, I checked stellarium for this evenings view from here.

Imagine my excitement when I saw this:




I set up the Skymax 90 on the helideck and watched as the sky grew darker and the moon and venus grew closer together. The Chinese chaps who walk around the helideck after dinner shared in the spectacle and I was happy to let them take a look through the scope.

Typically, as the moment of contact came, the clouds rolled in, so I cannot confirm whether or not there was a total occultaion or just a partial (I'm assuming just partial, as per the stellarium images, although my coordinates may be slightly off).

Thankfully the clouds cleared as Venus became clear of the moon once more, and I was treated to perhaps one of the most awesome astronomical sights I have ever beheld, the crescent moon with bright earthshine and venus just to one side, filling the FOV, truely beautiful and most stunning.

I doubt if I could ever come close to an acurate e-sketch, but I shall try

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