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EQ5 Sysncan upgrade alignment problems

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Hi all,

4 weeks ago I saw a bargain - a CG5 mount (with VERY stable 2" tripod) with a C100ED. However, having got very used to my little AZ goto (which is oh so easy!), in order for it to be of any use to me, it had to be upgraded with a goto. On the basis that Synta make both Skywatcher and Celestron, and on confirmation from the supplier, I bought the CG5/C100ED and had them fit an EQ5 Sysncan upgrade at the same time...

The weather was pretty kind late April and I was able to put it through some tests - Optics fine, tracking fine, but the goto was totally useless, and then the clouds rolled in, which at least gave me time to research. I discovered that the consensus is that when aligning to the first star, after the initial slew, it's advised manually centre the star (ie NOT use the handset). Last night the skies cleared and I optimistically went about setting up...

I checked, double checked and even triple checked my setup process and settings on the handset (location, time zone, date in US format, correct time, daylight saving etc) but there's still something very sadly wrong... and I can't see where it could be me.

I made a step-by-step note of what I did last night and the results:

1. Roughly polar aligned mount (polar scope previously calibrated)

2. Aligned finderscope

3. Set mount in weights down position

4. Powered up handset (using well charged battery pack) and set time zone, location, date, time, daylight saving etc

3 star align selected

1. Selected Arcturus - Initial slew was miles out (checked on Stellarium), so manually adjusted to centre (not using handset) and then pressed select. (Re-aigned finderscope)

2. Selected Merak - Very long way out, so used handset to centre

3. Selected Vega - In general area, but not in FOV of finder scope. Used handset to centre - Alignment failed.

Powered off/on

Reset mount in weights down position

Reset up handset with time zone, location, date, time, daylight saving etc

2 star align selected

1. Selected Arcturus - Initial slew was miles out (as before) so manually adjusted to centre (not using handset) and then pressed select.

2. Selected Vega - In general area, but not in FOV of finder scope. Used handset to centre - Alignment successful

3. Selected Saturn and slew pointed almost 10 degrees below horizontal (:D) Cleared PAE and then used PAE to centre (left tracking for 5 mins - still centred)

4. Selected Polaris - Slew in general area, but not in FOV of finder scope. Used PAE to centre.

5. Selected Saturn and slew pointed below horizontal again. Used PAE to centre.

6. Selected Arcturus - Slew within range of finder scope (but not in FOV of 32mm eyepiece). Used PAE to centre

7. Selected Saturn and slew pointed below horizontal yet again. Used PAE to centre.

8. Selected Arcturus - Slew within FOV of 32mm eyepiece. Used PAE to centre

9. Selected Saturn and slew pointed below horizontal yet again. Used PAE to centre

10. Parked scope (gave up...) - It parked halfway between Polaris and Dubhe and about 20 degrees lower.

After manually aligning my little AZ goto on it's 1st star, it's almost spot on with the 2nd and after 2-3 PAE's, it'll put me exactly on the spot...

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? (Or maybe the EQ5 sysncan upgrade isn't compatible with the CG5 after all?). I'm beginning to wish I hadn't seen this "bargain"... :)

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Check your mount is correctly set up ensuring the altitude scale on the mount corresponds with the latitude of your location, if not then adjust the mounts altitude( there is probably a scale on the side of the mount, then ensure the same details are entered into the handset when setting up. Do be aware that the altitude scale on mounts can be very inaccurate so you may have to tweak it).

Ensure you are using the correct time zone.

Ensure your mount is level before doing any alignment.

Although you can get away with a rough polar alignment it will not be anywhere near as good as a good polar alignment as this also helps in setting the mount to the correct altitude. A few degrees out can make a huge difference over the distances we are observing.

Hope this helps


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Hi Andy,

This sounds a lot like the trials and tribulations I went through when I upgraded my EQ5 to synscan. The thread may be of use - it is here http://stargazerslounge.com/equipment-help/96710-synscan-goto-frustations.html

It was all about me not installing the gears correctly - I had meshed the large teeth on the motor wheel to the teeth on the drive wheel. It should be the small set of teeth on the motor!!!

Hope it helps.

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Hi Carl - Thanks for getting back...

I'm afraid I've done all of that. I adjusted the Altitude/Azimuth for the mount's polar alignment (and I omitted the fact that I'd levelled the mount in my process - Sorry!). I first levelled when setting up the tripod and then checked again after having roughly polar-aligned (by rough, I mean polaris in the centre of the polar scope not on the actual point of Celestial North itself). I've also ensured that all the handset settings are definitely correct and input in the correct format... The distance out is absolutely huge: c. 2 hours out in RA and maybe as much as 45 degrees Dec, and even with rough polar alignment I reckon the Goto should do MUCH better than that(?)


John - I've just read through all the threads in your post and from your initial description, you've put your finger right on it - Thank you SO much...!!! :D

I didn't actually fit the upgrade myself as I can't spell DIY and inevitably everything I touch falls down or disintegrates... which is why I asked the supplier to do it - I've just look under the casings and yes, he has geared the two large cogs together.

You've just saved me £400+ - If I couldn't get it working I was going talk to the supplier tomorrow and see if he would take it all back (scope/mount/goto) and swap it over for an HEQ5 + 80DS Pro instead, which would have given me an even bigger problem as it was diffcult enough persuading "she who must be obeyed" that I splash out what I have already, let alone, spending 50% more...!

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Cheers again John - I've had a look under the cover and discovered 2 alan key points on the mount gear. I assumed all I needed to was loosen the drive, loosen the mount gear, turn it over, ensure it's pushed down as far as it will go, tighten the alan points (a bit fiddly for someone with glasses!) re-engage the meshes, add some grease and tighten the drive up.

The mount gear seems to sit quite high on the smaller drive gear but I'll certainly give it a whirl. Although the clouds have returned (bless them!), I'll try and emulate your dummy testing - it's more than a little obvious to see this error when it searches for a known planet below the horizon...

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The clouds did clear tonight and after a rough polar alignment and selecting 3 star alignment, the first slew was out, but I released the clutches and manually centred the first star. The 2nd star was very close (used handset to centre) and the 3rd star was virtually spot on - Succesful alignment! Saturn was well within FOV of 32 mm, and using PAE, thereafter all other test objects were likewise - It works!

My wife was totally awed by the view of M39 (as was I - I'd never seen it before!), on the back of which I think I may now be able to get more budget to consider future "items" (the list is so long!

I really want to get into imaging as soon as I can, so now it's going to get even more challenging, but getting over this hurdle is such a relief... Thanks!

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