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Uranus first sighting

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After yesterday mornings fogged out attempt, and the sky being overcast all day, I reconed that it might be worth a go this morning.

I'd gone to bed early, mainly as there was nothing to look at last night, and awoke around 03:30. I decided that, as I was awake, I'd pop out onto the helideck and see what conditions were like.

Straight away I saw the waning 1/4 moon (actually now in crescent), then, as my eyes adjusted, I could see stars, so I got my gear on and scooted off to the workshop where I keep the wee skymax 90 (+/- ambient temp) and set up in a new, less LP observation area giving me a clear view east.

Jupiter was obvious and I spent a fair few minutes looking at this old friend and his fellow moons, 3 to the NW and 1 to the SE.

Having been able to download stellarium the other day, I knew where Uranus would be and gave it a shot.

At first I found HIP 117375 and thought that this was Uranus, but after checking stellarium I realised that I wasn't far enough from Jupiter, so tried once more.

This time I found it, a rather dim and I'd say, ever so slightly greenish, object. Taking the mag up to 125x I could tell that the object was a little lager and fainter, adding further evidence that I'd found my target.

After watching for a while, and quite obviously not being able to see anything more than the wee speck, I turned to the moon for a few minutes before coming back in for an hour in bed before the days work begins.

So, just Neptune and Pluto to find and I've got the set...... :)

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cool stuff! I am definitely keen to see this in 2010. I have to be careful in my back garden at night shouting to my wife the obvious and potentially easily misinterpreted declaration.

'I think I can see Uranus'

the old ones are the best, I know.

seriously though, I might try an early morning effort. seems like it's a good thing to do currently. either that or just wait :)

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Hi Yeti,

I don't have an opinion either way on the classification of pluto,as a beginner I can leave that one to the experts. All I know is, its there and for that reason I hope to see it.

Clear skies


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