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First attempt at a moon mosaic and a couple of close-ups.


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Well, I haven't done that much astrophotography but tonight I decided to take a bunch of consecutive shots of the moon and then see if they turned out good enough to be turned into a mosaic, and I must say I am very happy with the outcome. I've only really tried a handful of photos before.

There is also a few close-ups I took tonight as well.





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No love? Lol.

I've really been wanting to do a full mosaic using a x2 Barlow with the NexImage but the past few nights it has been too cloudy. :)

And it's raining right now, so probably no hope for tonight.

Ah well, hopefully tomorrow.

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AztecastroMcJ, Celstron NexStar 114SLT with the NexImage for the mosaic and the same for the close-ups except with a 2x Barlow.

jgs001, I pretty much followed RegiStax- Bob Pilz article, straight from the Registax website. It got a bit confusing at times but I'm starting to learn my way in Registax a bit, lol.

GazOC, Thanks, and I don't mind at all, can definitely see more detail so thanks again!

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