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Manual tracking with a Dob

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First off - Hello, this is my first post (I just popped my forum cherry:eek:) and btw I did search for this before posting but I couldn't find an appropriate answer:icon_scratch:.

I've been looking into getting my first scope. I've had a bit of experience with astronomy when I was younger with the (all too common) generic, dusty, rusty family heirloom small app refractor on a basic tripod.

I don't want a goto auto tracking mounted scope as I enjoy the satisfaction you get from being out there and learning the sky.

So I'll get to the point/points - I've all but settled on the Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX Dobsonian and a 5mm Baader Hyperion to give a high mag of 240 which I believe is the most reasonable to expect from my location (West coast Scotland with what I would say low light pollution). Will I find it a pain in the a**e trying to track planets or DSO's with this set up? if not should I try 3.5mm Hyperion for around 340 magnification or is that just wishful thinking?

Looking forward to hearing what yall think. Any advice is more than welcome. Cheers

me = :D

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Hi and welcome to SGL,

I've a 10" newtonian on a mount similar to a dobsonian. I have used 350x with the scope but not very often to be honest - I find 170x - 240x more effective 90% of the time. Tracking at high power is something you soon get used to although some folks prefer driven mounts - you can get a driven version of the Skywatcher 10" dob now:

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Skyliner 250P FlexTube AUTO

Do remember that most astro viewing (eg: deep sky objects) is done at low or medium power so make sure you sort out eyepieces to cover that as well.

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I use over 300x on excellent nights but those are rare. As to the dob it's pretty easy to keep the object in view once you get used to it (a couple of sessions and you'll be a pro! :D).

Only problem is, when you nudge it, the image trembles for a second or so. My approach is to pull the planet to the edge of the FoV and let it drift to the other edge, then nudge.

You'll be a nebula after 10 posts so spam away. :p

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In a word yes, x240 will be ok for Saturn when seeing allows but it's too high for most DSO's. In the UK for DSO observing it's very likely that the atmosphere will more often than not limit you to x200 or lower. I would recommend a 30mm eyepiece as a finder, a 12mm ep for studying DSO's and a barlow lense to double the power of the 12mm for use on planets. The 250PX is a great scope I have basically the same scope and love it.

You will be a Vacuum until you've posted 10 posts then you become something else.

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I've been lucky to push my 10" SNT Dob to 406x (2x Barlowed 5mm Hyperion) on several occasions whilst tracking Saturn without problem, other than 'sticktion' of the azimuth bearing, which I have relieved by using a dry silicon lubricant on the teflon bearing pads.

I'd suggest a few widefield EPs (20-25mm and larger) to take in those wonderful clusters and fuzzies, otherwise you may find yourself looking at Saturn all night..........

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If it gets too much pushing the scope around, you build an equatorial platform for it! I've chased planets close to 500x on occasions but around 200x is the usual. You soon get the hang of it. It's finding things in the first place that can be tricky.

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The Skywatcher 250px is supplied with a 25mm eyepiece and a 10mm eyepiece. The 25mm is perfectly fine (x48 magnification) and will show good detail in loads of DSO's. The 10mm is also ok (x120) but I found mine to be not as good as the 25mm and it was soon replaced. My scope is an Orion XT10i, Orion are owned by Synta who also own Skywatcher so I'm betting the supplied ep's are pretty similar.

Tracking is not really a problem but at very high magnifications it takes a little practise. I've tracked Mars and Saturn at x300 and x450, the image at x450 was rubbish but I just wanted to give it a try.

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