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Panorama/mosaic software?


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On Ant's fine advice, I have been trying to download Microsoft ICE so I can stitch some photos of the moon together.

I'm having no end of problems though!

Everytime I download ICE it says I need to download .NET Framework and sends me to a site to download that. Whenever I try that it just does nothing or freezes the machine up!

(I'm running 32 bit XP on an old laptop with 512MB RAM and loads od Hard Drive space).

Can anyone suggest another, free and fool proof panoramic/mosaic software that I can download instead please? Preferably one that has been used and is SGL 'approved!'

Thanks in advance!

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Net Framework has worked and ICE has finally installed. Apparently, it doesn't like you have two web windows open, even though ICE automatically opens the 2nd one!


Hugin has downloaded in about 2 mins so I've got two to play with tonight!

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Good suggestions. Hugin is good for complex situations, but for most astrophotos you'd be better with iMerge - it's so simple to use, and does a lot of surprisingly clever stuff such as automatically matching brightness levels. Hugin is overcomplex if you just want to join some lunar mosaics

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