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EQ4/5 drive question

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I recently got myself a spiffy Orion ED80 on an EQ5 mount with the add-on RA and Dec drive. Unfortunatley, due to the cracking Scottish weather I haven't had a chance to get it outside for a tryout yet, and I have some questions about the drive system itself.

The only instructions I can find are these...


..and they make no sense. It actually says that when the system is turned on and all buttons are depressed the scope will turn automatically to compensate for the Earths rotation. All buttons depressed? I have to press them all at once and hold them? Sounds like kack to me. Anyone got any experience of one of these systems that can set me straight?

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I've owned a few and they have 4 direction buttons and two switches. A speed switch and a on/off switch, as long as the switch is "on" the RA should track.

The only thing I can think of is that you turn the handset on, then press the four buttons at the same time once to start the tracking? I've never owned one like this but I can't see those instructions can mean anything else?

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Don't know about your mount but the super polaris has manual slow motion controls. There is a clutch for each of them which has to be released to disconnect the motor and allow use of the manual control. If you have these and haven't tightened them up the drives wont do anything. Of course your drive may not have these, just a thought.

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I think MartinB might have hit it on the head. I never realised there were clutches involved, I've checked them out and I'm running my 2-hour test again.

Warthog, which number? There's 5 or 6 adds for astronomy websites but that's it. I speak a little French anyway, Quebec holds no fear for me. In fact I might be looking to emigrate there in the next year or so.

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Sorry GazOC, but I thought you meant the actual clutches on the mount that allow you to swing it around freely, not the clutches I didn't know existed between the small drive motors and the manual controls. I've done it before on my ETX-105, disengaged the main azimuth clutch to swing it around for something and then sat with my finger on the controls wondering why the damn thing wont track!

I tightened the clutches and I could actually feel the stepper motor running when the drive control box was switched on, so i assume that's the problem solved. Thanks guys, invaluable stuff.

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Warthog, which number? There's 5 or 6 adds for astronomy websites but that's it. I speak a little French anyway, Quebec holds no fear for me. In fact I might be looking to emigrate there in the next year or so.

At the very end of the document there is a technical support number with a 604 (British Columbia) area code. For future reference, now that you have the problem solved. When I said they speak English, I meant they don't speak Chinese. :wink:

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