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Talk to beavers about Astronomy...HELP!


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Was that towards a badge?

I'm an assistant at my son's Beaver colony and have the books of the badge requirements and haven't yet found a way to convincingly tie astronomy into one of them. Cubs and Scouts have astronomy badges but the Cub one really just covers learning a few constellations.

By the way, Beavers is equivalent to Rainbows for girls (although girls are allowed at beavers) as both are for 6-7 yr olds. Brownies and Cubs are 8-9 then it's Scouts/Guides.

Excellent idea for an education resource.

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Was that towards a badge?

I'm an assistant at my son's Beaver colony and have the books of the badge requirements and haven't yet found a way to convincingly tie astronomy into one of them. Cubs and Scouts have astronomy badges but the Cub one really just covers learning a few constellations.

By the way, Beavers is equivalent to Rainbows for girls (although girls are allowed at beavers) as both are for 6-7 yr olds. Brownies and Cubs are 8-9 then it's Scouts/Guides.

Excellent idea for an education resource.

Sorry I've been busy with work..

Its towards the Zodiac badge :)

Really looking forward to taking my 12" Dob to family camp in June.. :p



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i got roped into taking my scope down to the local brownies club with my daughter, set up the scope and called them out thinking that it would be one at a time and 30 6 year olds came running out !

one tried to pick the scope up, the others went though my bag of eyepieces, finger prints all over, but they had a great time which took over 2 hours for all of them to view M42 and Venus.

When I helped the Brownies do their Astronomy Badge, we sent them out in groups of six to look through the scope. A lot easier than being mobbed by the whole pack!

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