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I think I'm going to sell the 150mm f5 newt for sure and buy a Refractor again!!! (oh blumming hell I'm turning into Russ!!)

The 127 mak will stay for now, however that may get the chop in the new year!!

I'm now thinking - 100 ED (quality option) - 150/120 Startravel ?.


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I've owned a 102, 120 and 150mm f5. The wide fields are great but, to my eyes, the 150mm doesn't gather much more light than the smaller two, certainly not as much as you'd expect from a 6" refractor.

The 120mm is a good scope, but I'd give the 150mm a miss. Its not so much a jack of all trades, just a master of none!!


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On what I hear the 150 ST I'm going to give a miss.... the 150 Skymax will be on the shopping list in the future.

I'm still thinking 100 ED to be honest for the quality. I'm going back down the refractor route as time to actually practice this hobby is becoming a premium. 3 kids and a job that spans 8 till 6 + the odd weekend of work is taking its toll. My wife is self employed and works longer hours.

Oh yes an then she goes to night school once a week, I'm looking to return to night school and finish the IT diploma + start a distance learning course on Astronomy... phew!!!

Just need a low setup / low cool down grab n go jobby... but don't want to compromise too much on what I can see!!!


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