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Solar filters

yeti monster

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A few days ago I ordered a 1/2 square meter of Baader solar safety film from everybodys favourite supplier, Telescope Planet. The aim being to make solar filters for all my kit and have some in stock for future use.

Today Mr. Postie did knock at the front gate of yeti Castle, bearing with him a package from said astro suppliers. Imagine my utter surprise (not) to find that they had sent me the A4 single sheet. Sure enough, 1/2 an hour later the sun pops out and here's me with some solar film, but unwilling to use it as I'll be needing to return it.

Added to this, they have been "far too busy to answer the phone, or respond to ebay messages", all afternoon, where I could at least know whether I should start cutting and to hell with the torpedoes.

All rather frustrating.

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So finally they feel like answering the phone. Having a nice, cute, Welsh, female voice on the other end of the line, alomost, but not entirely, quelled my angst at these imbiciles.

After this moronings message that they would send the correct item once I had returned the A4 sheet, I can tell you, I was livid!

Gurly on the phone says that they don't actually have it in stock (despite there being 10 available when I purchased) and that they won't get any until Monday. I made her promise to send it as soon as it arives, on Monday, guaranteed next day delivery in order that I can have it by Tuesday.

What's the bet that the sun comes out over the week end............

I'm still spitting feathers btw............

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They are muppets...end of story, and several hundred posts to that effect testify to this.

So I see. After the rapid response and delivery of my cheshire collimator, I had hoped that the few stories I'd read were isolated incidents but after recent days and reading further, I doubt, very seriously, whether I can afford to waste anymore of my valuable seconds on this earth patronising their business.

Watch this space on Tuesday Afternoon, if things aren't sorted I may have to take a wee jaunt to Llanelli for "a chat".

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I've also made a filter for my young pal James, who called round yesterday evening for some tutorial on how to set up his scope and to take a look through the 10" SNT and the 20x80s. He got his first views of M42 and the Andromeda Galaxy, plus some nice views of Saturn and Mars.

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