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AZ-4: What you stuck on it?

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Hi all,

Just wondering about what you folks with the Skywatcher AZ-4 have stuck on it, scope-wise? Pics would be great too. Does anyone miss the slow-motion control of the old AZ-3? Does it balance well? How big/heavy a telescope does it hold and still give good observing performance? Etc...

(Bear in mind this is from a dyed in the wool promoter and modder of AZ-3 mounts... ;) )



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As a potential AZ-4 customer and a past AZ-3 (still got it actually !) and Porta Mount owner I'm interested in the responses to this as well .... I put a 120mm F/8.3 refractor OTA on an AZ-3 once - you could practically hear the mount groaning !!

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I've got a WO Zenithstar 80 on mine- so it doesn't really push the mount to the limit. Having said that, the motions are really smooth, and I am easily able to observe Mars at 180x. It's definitely easier than tracking Mars at similar magnification in my 10inch skywatcher dobsonian.

I can't imagine using two independent slow motion controls to move in two axes would be more convenient than lightly pushing the mount in the direction you want it to move. But I have never used the AZ3 or a Porta mount.

Saw the Sky & Telescope review in October- 120 ED mounted on the AZ4- got a very good rating. Only slightly negative comment from the reviewer was that he felt the mount required vibration supression pads with this load at high magnification.

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I went for the option with the 2 inch stainless steel tripod rather than aluminium- it seems pretty solid- heavy, but not bulky.

There are a couple of really minor negatives with this mount:

  1. the pan handle that comes with it is next to useless- there are two possible locations for it- in one it's miles up in the air, and in the other it restricts access to the zenith.
  2. the dovetail is held by a single setscrew. It's never come undone, but I'd like a safety net if I could.
  3. the finish on some parts is not quite top notch- the pan handle, tripod spreader, leg locks, L bracket and tensioning controls, but (apart from the pan handle) they're all perfectly workable.
  4. the tripod is not particularly tall- fine if you you observe sitting down, but if you prefer to stand or have a longer OTA, then the eyepiece could be a bit low.

When I was considering mount options I had a Porta in my virtual shopping cart. Luckily I saw the S&T review (thought to myself that a ED120 might not be a bad upgrade at some point) and therefore went for the AZ4. I'm really glad I did.

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