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does this stuff look ok?

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i have been reading a lot of posts on here and have come up with a list of equipment i think would be good.

my main interests are DSO's although i do also like to look at the planets. i have a pair of 10*50 and a laptop with stellarium on it (fatastic piece of software).

my list is

skyliner flextube auto 250mm.....comes with 10mm and 25mm ep

celestron ultima barlow

astrozap shroud

cheshire collimating eyepiece.

to me i think i may need another ep around the 38mm mark. would you agree?

and if so any you'd recommend. i don't wear glasses and would look to spend around £70. ( is there any in the for sale forum?

i'm looking to order this lot tomorrow so any insight you can offer would be appreciated.



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thanks for that.

at the minute i would find a dew eliminator a luxury. don't have enough spare cash after getting this lot. same goes for upgrading the finder scope.

i think i have a red torch off my bike will will do fine for now.

now i remember i'll have to get a battery pack from maplins as i hear they are a lot cheaper there.

anyone on the ep's?


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I'd agree. A 1 magnification finder with circles to measure distances (telrad or rigel quick finder) should be a stock accessory on any scope without goto.

The red light torch is the only way you can read charts without loosing dark adaptation.

I would say use the original EPs + barlow till you know what you like/need. A fast scope like the 250px may need EPs a bit more expensive if you want wide field ones with good edge correction. Quality plossls will be cheaper and give a corrected edge as the field of view (FOV) is narrow and costs less to produce/correct.

Just something to think about:

Maybe you can switch the ultima 1.25" 2x barlow for an Antares 1.6x 2" barlow. It will be usable with 2" EPs (or 1.25" EPs using the adapter) in the future and it is reported to combine very well with high end EPs without a noticeable drop in quality (so is the ultima but it only allows 1.25" eps).

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Time to start adding to my post count. ;) I would think about a comfortable chair, a simple eyepatch (keeps you from squinting and making your eyes tired), a nice star chart, I like Sky&Telescope's Pocket Atlas and a 1X finder as has already been suggested....Telrad, Rigel finder or a simple red dot finder.


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David is right. Pocket sky atlas and eyepatch too. Can't see how I forgot, as I use those every single night! (Maybe I just didn't want to admit I look like a nerd pirate when I'm observing... ;))

The image improves a LOT when you use an eyepatch instead of closing the other eye.

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A standard torch can be made into a red light one, simply by placing some red electrical pvc tape over the end. Same goes for rear bike torches. They can be pretty bright otherwise.

Regarding eyepatches. I just cup my hand over the other open eye. Makes me look less like a plonker. Tried the eyepatch once. A week of 'Arghhhh me hearties' from the wife, got a bit stale after a few days LOL.



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Any finder that provides magnification is only good in the final adjustments. Before I bought a finder without magnification, it always toke ages pointing the scope at the general area of the sky I wanted. The simple act of looking at a bright star and point the scope at it, to star hop to the next target, becomes troublesome when you use a magnified finder.

But this is my experience, some people get used to it.

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Once you've used an 8x50 Tal Finder, you're spoiled for life ;)

7 degrees of, x-hair optical excellence. Huge eyelens/eyerelief/FOV too.

A member on the user social groups, mentioned it was superior to a similar sized Takahashi one.

I have a couple and use one on various scopes on a set of stellarvue 60mm finder rings(too wide a body for 50mm rings).


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