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Hi Guys,

I'm 15 and new to astronomy. Any tips on the best telescope. At the moment I have an ETX-60, as it was a small scope, cheap and portable. I am now looking for a bigger one, but within a sensible price range for a 15 year old (£200ish).



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you can definitely get a 6" dob and maybe even an 8" for that money. I would think that is the choice for someone who is young and presumably is willing to learn the sky. skywatcher is the popular choice for entry level but good dobs. the difference to you current scope will be significant:)

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Hi Ben and welcome to the forum.

Before you jump into buying another scope consider a few things. What do you want to do with it? (visual or astrophotography). How prepared are you to hunt for objects?

GOTO systems are great however they will cost you more. As kniclander said in terms of biggest optic Dobsonsians are the cheapest mount and hence you will get a bigger scope however they are not motorised (not strictly true these days) as so you would have to find objects manually and then keep moving the scope to keep it in view. A compromise might be to get an equatorial (EQ3-2) motorised in RA. You would have to still find an object but it will then keep it in view. This could then be coupled with a newtonian or small refractor

Consider buying second hand (astronomers look after their kit!); it could save you lots.

There was a recent thread about this very topic however I couldn't find it just

Rob (or should it be sir; Your electronics teacher)

PS. I might have some kit I could sell you which might help you!!

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Benofreke - Welcome to SGL

You will need to consider a few things first - Do you have a good place to put the scope (not necessarily permanent) or will you have to move it around? You may need a book or two, if you don't already have them, to find your way around as well as a red light torch.

A Dobsonian will give you the "biggest scope for your money" - a 150mm will be around £180 - This only has two eyepieces x48 and x120 so you may like to get a 2x Barlow for about £30 - this will give you x96 and x240 which would be a good maximum for that size of scope.

Good luck with your purchase!!

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