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A very warm hello to you all, please can someone help me

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Hello I am working on a project to model the change in the ionic potential of the upper atmosphere on climate and the formation of freak electormagnetic storm formation.

I am not very well versed in astronomy and I would be eternally greatful for some assistance. My basic idea is that the planets cause solar stiring forces that disturbe the suns internal core. This produces a break down in the suns 3 layers and cause coronal holes, solar flares.

By plotting the forces on the suns surface, it should be possible to calculate a point source where the maximum force is located. An ejection point can be calculated, and an absolute force calculated. My second assumption is that the force generated is proportional to the energy ejected at that point.

The energy directed to the earth can then be calculated. The magnitude of this energy will then be subject to disruption by the planets between the earth and the sun, in effect acting as baffle. Also the angle at which the ejection point is to the earth, if we were right in line with it, then we would recieve the highest level of irradiation.

The tilt of the earth will also effect the energy received, due to the magnetic field surrounding the earth the enegy recived will vary accourding to our tilt.

Lastly, the planets around us will act like mirrors, in effect bouncing more of the energy of the sun back to us, as the moon enters into our magnetic field it will act like a reflector. The closer it is to us the greater the effect.

I would like to know how to calculated the point force on the sun. For one planet its not so bad, but its three dimensional vectors that give me the problems. Also I would like to calculate this force minute by minute, so any ideas where I can get this data from would be much appreciated.

How would I calculate the screening effect of each planet. The equation must be due to the angle of the planet to the earth , proximity to the sun. Prehaps fairly easy for one planet, but what happens when to planets cross?

How would I calculate the % energy reflected by each planet back to the earth..

Please anyone, any help would be appreciated.


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Firstly Smalldog welcome to SGL.

This is quite an extraordinary first post and I believe way beyond most of us in this forum.

In my opinion it should really be directed at more experienced people in a dedicated solar forum if indeed one exists.

But I do hope you recieve some answers here, but unfortunately I cannot help you.

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wow what a read,i think you need a Professor,way way over my head.all i remember


Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

You could try reading newton or simillar online,the best of luck

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Hi and welcome to SGL, Smalldog. :)

Yes, i think i know someone who'd be able to help you out. He's in one of the Aurora groups i belong to, and he studied at the Mainz Univ.. absolutely brilliant man regarding all things solar.

His email address is on the 'about myself' link of his home page.

Tell him the 'Venus Pillar' lady (Carol Lakomiak from Tomahawk Wisconsin) sent you, and says Hi... i'm sure he'll remember me. :D

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Sorry to go off the original but everyone who has read Talitha's post will be asking much the same:

Would you care to expand on: the 'Venus Pillar' lady ?


LOOOOOL!!!!!! :D;) ;)

Ooops, sorry, I'll behave now! ;)

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Welcome to SGL.

Is this for a thesis? What's the degree?

I'd have thought a correlation between the position of the planets and the position of CME might have been noticed if there was one? You will probably be aware that the sun has been in a prolonged period of inactivity (relatively speaking) which has scientists puzzled.

Good luck with whatever it is you are trying to do.


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Hmmm, while thinking about your rather unusual question, the thought/question did pop into my head about these "stirring forces" inflicted by a planet onto the sun. Would not those same forces, if they existed, exert the same or greater effect on a nearer planet?

I think I am going to use this as the basis of my excuse for having an untidy office. I can just see the conversation with the MD now......

"but Sir, I HAVE tidied the office up, it's just that Jupiter happened to be passing at the wrong angle and the point forces came in through the window and stirred up all the air, and THAT is why there are papers everywhere, you can hardly expect me to anticipate freak planetary stirring!"

Yup, that'll work, thanks for the idea.

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