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Astrosource - Have you deal with them?

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First up the owner of Astrosource is a mate of mine, thought I had better say that first. :)

I have bought loads of imaging gear from Albert as have other members of our society and all of it works great, Albert also supplied equipment to the new Kielder Observatory and our own Cygnus Observatory. :mad: No question about obscure gear goes unanswered, so I would say give him a shout if You need a particular piece of equipment. :)

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I bought a scope from Albert back in October, the whole experience was pain free, but a little long, though that wasn't Albert's fault, just a difficult to get hold of piece. Would recommend Astrosource to anyone, I do have the benefit of living only a few miles away though, but I don't think it would make any difference.

Albert is very well connected and can probably get hold of most things for you.


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I have bought from and sold to Albert with him bending over backwards to make sure i got what i wanted and any transaction went smoothly.

I must admit that Albert is also a mate of mine so maybe i am a bit bias in his favour but that doesn't detract from the fact that he is a stand up guy....

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I've spent a small fortune with Astrosource, and Albert is not only a top guy, but if he can't get something for you, then it's probably not available, and he has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about gear :)

Things may be a little slower than usual at the moment with him, as he had a stroke a couple of months ago and has been getting back on his feet.



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My divine Tak FSQ came from Albert and the whole thing went well. I never even got a reply from Telescope House when I asked about getting one from them. (Tell a lie, I got a reply saying I would get a reply but I never did.) His prices were seriously keen and he kept me informed.

I am very, very sorry indeed to hear that he has been unwell.


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