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Canon 1000D

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I've got one of these toys

I'm using Maxim and I would like to lock the mirror up but it ses I need a long exposure cable to be able to do this even though I've got control of the shutter with the usb cable

has anyone tried this and been successful



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You need two cables to operate in mirror lockup mode, the standard USB cable for camera control and a long exposure cable, this applies to all Canon cameras even the newer ones where you can operate in USB - Bulb mode longer than 30s such as the 1000D.


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This long exposure cable you speak of, is it a Canon part or does it have to be made by us Astro types?? ( I am collecting necessary stuff now in expectation of getting a 1000d)

If it has to be made any chance of a drawing of the connectors and pin outs.......



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