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Just a quickie ....


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It's very cold and the sky is awash with moonlight but I've been out a few times with the 5" refractor tonight looking at doubles and waiting for Mars to rise above the trees.

I've just managed to make out the E & F stars in the Trapezium despite the "moonwash" which I'm quite pleased about :icon_eek:

Last time I saw them was with an 8" dob so I'm pleased to have picked them up in the refractor - the tight star images that the frac gives help a lot in picking these mag 10 componants out and I've found that getting the magnification just right is the trick - tonight 133x was the magic number.


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Well done, John! :icon_eek: I've seen them with the 8" SCT but not with the 120 achro or the 120 ST.. will try it asap.

Thanks :hello2:

I've tried lots of times to see them with my 102mm ED but with no success so far. I tend to use the nearby multiple star Sigma Orionis as a guide seeing conditions - if I can clearly see the mag 9 "C" componant then I'm in with a chance :mad:


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I never saw them in my 8". Once i did manage to get the E star on night with good seeing and cooled mirror. For the F i need the 18" and if the seeing is good enough both the E and F are in fact not that difficult.

Seeing for those does alot, same thing with the central star in M57. You just have to have good seeing and you will see it in a bigger scope. I saw it once in 16" and of course a couple of times in my own 18"

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Nice work John :icon_eek: I've still to take in the sights of M42 et al with my 5" ... I had a rather fleeting glimpse earlier on this year, but Orion was sinking so low into the orange suburban glow I couldn't make head nor tail of what I was looking at tbh.... :hello2: thanks for your report, can't wait to get out there now :mad:

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