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Inflatable space module launches


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An inflatable spacecraft that could form the basis of a future space hotel has blasted into space.

The Genesis craft has been built by commercial company Bigelow Aerospace, set up by hotel tycoon Robert Bigelow.

The folded experimental module launched from Siberia on a converted Russian intercontinental ballistic missile.

Once the watermelon-shaped craft - based on a design discarded by Nasa - is safely established in orbit, it will be inflated to full size.

"A successful launch has occurred at 7.53am Pacific time," said Robert Bigelow in a statement. "At approximately 3pm we will start to acquire information from the spacecraft as to its health."


Lets hope they have a punchair repair kit :D

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If you punched a hole in one end, would it sorta flop about like a balloon in a room, and then fall back to earth? It's not very bright, according to Heavens Above. It must not be very big, or maybe they should have blown it up more. I hope it's green...

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