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Dark skies in Powys


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Powys Council have been running a scheme where the switch off street lights at night to save money. Residents objected and formed groups to fight the decision. This led to some lights being turned back on. But the council haven't completely backed down and the campaign group has now conceded 'defeat'. :icon_eek:

Here's something to ponder. I found this quote, "The council hopes to save £280,000 by turning off 6,200 street, 2,300 footway and 3,900 highway lights."

How many street lights are there in the country? I saw a highways figure of 7.5 million. So a nation wide saving would be £339m and that's just by switching off every other light on busy streets, and only between something like 1am and 5am.

The phrase no-brainer springs to mind.

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Interesting. I got a note from my local lighting coordinator (I am on the council) and was informed that as of now, all but one streetlight in my small village will now go off from midnight until 6:30am - seems sensible to me and glad that the idea of dark skies and energy saving is catching on.

At flaming last I say

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The more I read about what the Welsh have been doing since devolved government makes me realise that they are a pretty switched on bunch. I'll be raising my glass of Merlot in toast to this fine, fine country and the people therein. :icon_eek:

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Powys did a big switch off last year which for a couple of months was wonderful, the moaning started and they were switched on again although they go off at 0130 BST 0030 GMT so if it is a late imaging session for me it can be very good.

What amazed me was how few people there are around after about 9pm in winter, I have been out most of the night and counted half a dozen and a few cars, all that light for nothing really, except it makes most people feel less afraid.

I hope it goes ahead again and I will keep you posted if they go off.

Pete in Powys

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Unfortunaley in the larger towns of Powys (I'm thinking of Newtown in particular) enough lights (plus private lights) were left as made no difference. Still at least Powys council made the effort to save some money- the light pollution aspect was a side benefit. As has been mentioned a small, 'vocal minority' made enough fuss to get some of the lights switched on again.

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