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M31 - but is it cheating?


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Here's one I prepared earlier, using the Bradford Robotic Telescope in Tenerife. All done over the web. I just told them what I wanted and which filter to use and it came out with this: -


Not too bad, although maybe a bit small. I've not worked out how to get a bigger shot yet.

But is it cheating?

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I don't think it's cheating as such - however, for me it doesn't come close to actually looking through my own scope and trying (emphasis on the trying) to make my own images though!

I think you'll find though that if you run that image through some processing software Andromeda will be far from small!

I like using GRAS - you have to pay after the initial trial but it feels more real than BRT and gives more scope for actually practising - good for when the clouds refuse to move in the UK!

Liz :)

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Might be cheating, but it's a good way to pass a cloudy evening. I agree that it doesn't come close to looking thru your own scope or wrestling with webcams and seeing and software!

Couple more that 'I've' taken using the BRC: -



If anyone wants to have a play with them feel free. Alternatively, if someone could suggest a program I could use to bring them out a bit more, I'd be eternally grateful! ;)

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It´s not cheating, if it is then my setting up of an automated observatory controlable via the internet is technically cheating as well!

As long as you enjoy it that is what matters...

now if someone can just get me 1 hour of time on hubble I am pretty sure I may stand a chance with POW ;)


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I hate to say it, but the focus looks a little soft on them.

I've used GRAS. Nice, but not a patch on getting a pic from the kit I am standing next to ;)

If you can get hold of a 16 bit file, either FITS or TIFF, you'll be able to do a lot more with it, assuming the camera was 16bit.

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