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PHD, Maxim and the DMK?

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I haven't found anything much easier than PHD for guiding - apart from a few very minor glitches - it just works....

But I do find it quite resource hungry...

Does anyone know if the DMK21 camera (which I use for guiding) is compatable with Maxim?

If so how - I cannot get it to recognise the DMK at all...



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I use my DMk21 and Maxim no problems, in the setup tab of the CCD control window under autoguider select the "setup" button and chose "Video DS" as the camera model,( I am assuming you already have the DMK drivers loaded ) that should do it.


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  • 1 year later...


I hope somebody is still reading this, because I have strange problem with Maxim and the DMK21.

It all worked fine. Maxim controlled my SBIG ST8300, the dmk21 as a guidecam und a Starlight Xpress Filterwheel. Then I reinstalled the notebook because it was time :)

and now, if I choose the dmk21 as a guidecam and hit connect, I get the error that maxim cannot connect to the filterwheel. If I choose no guidecam, it works.

The Filterwheel and the SBIG are connected to a USB hub, the dmk is directly connected to the laptop.

Any ideas?


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I never managed to get anything from the Maxim/DMK combo...

I also couldn't get maxim to connect to the SX filter wheel, I put it down to a windows 7 64bit issue and considering that I needed to refocus between filters, I didn't need the automation - so I haven't looked any further into this.

The DMK and PHD issues that I had were all USB related.

If you post your question in a new thread, you'll probably get more replies.

Welcome to SGL, BTW :)


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