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HEQ5, extra weights or extension bar?


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I use my HEQ5 Pro with a 200P newt and ED100. I use 2 weights with the newt and one with the frac. I know it would be easier to get a longer counterweight bar and just slide the weight up and down as required, and it would be lighter to carry.

But, is there any reason not to go down this route? What about vibrations, would the longer shaft shift the centre of gravity much on the mount, increase strain on bearings?

Or is it just a good all round idea?


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I am being devil's advocate here as I have not tried the extension route but is there not a risk of introducing harmonic type vibration with a longer counterweight shaft as well as a greater propensity for knocking into the extension when moving around the unit?

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I am being devil's advocate here as I have not tried the extension route but is there not a risk of introducing harmonic type vibration with a longer counterweight shaft as well as a greater propensity for knocking into the extension when moving around the unit?

I have tried both, and both of these issues are very real ... the vibration takes far longer to die out with one counterweight on a fully extended long c/w shaft than it does balancing the same scope with 2 counterweights on the standard shaft (also fully extended). For imaging I'd definitely recommend using as little c/w shaft extension as possible even if you have to buy extra counterweights. But in the end the flimsy tripod supplied with the HEQ5 Pro will defeat you ... Berlebach Planet (wooden) tripod or a decent pillar make a world of difference.

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I have tried both, and both of these issues are very real ... the vibration takes far longer to die out with one counterweight on a fully extended long c/w shaft than it does balancing the same scope with 2 counterweights on the standard shaft (also fully extended). For imaging I'd definitely recommend using as little c/w shaft extension as possible even if you have to buy extra counterweights. But in the end the flimsy tripod supplied with the HEQ5 Pro will defeat you ... Berlebach Planet (wooden) tripod or a decent pillar make a world of difference.

Think I'll stick to the short bar and two weights for now then. I have a pier that will go in the ground as soon as I get round to building an obsy. The Planet tripod looks a good idea, but a little pricey for my needs ( so Mrs Alfingido tells me)


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I tried both. The bar cuts down the weight but it makes the mount head more tricoly to traksport. I was also advised that you need to get the weight as close in to the mount head as possible and that long movement arms are generally a bad idea.

With three weights on a short bar the mount is more stable I find but three big weights is no fun to lug around.

I dont know where this 'weedy HEQ5 mount legs' comes from. Mine carries an 8" scope, three weights, plent of extras on the scope and its fine. The one thing that doesnt wobble is the legs on the mount (though mine do after lugging it 6 flights of stairs).

Perhaps for imaging a pier is a must but I have never had my mount wobble due to the legs.

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Both mine and my mounts legs are quite sturdy too! I can balance my 8" newt on it with just two weights. Any imaging I may do in the future will be based on my 100mm frac and I am sure that even with a guide scope and ccd etc it will be steady enough for my needs at the moment.


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Allan, I'm imaging with a pair of fracs on my HEQ5. I went for the two weights on the normal bar (they are both up against the head), the legs on the mount don't wobble at all. My scopes and cameras etc weigh 6.7 Kg and I've taken guided images with 20 minute exposures with no trailing, and 3 minutes unguided.

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