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Is my inter-pupil distance too small?

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Having purchased some 15x70 bins I find that I cannot close them down far enough to get just one circle - I see the classic 1940's war film view even on the tightest angle. Does this mean that my eyes are too close together and I'm therefore too shifty to be using these binoculars? I find that the only way I can get a clear view is to place a cap over one of the lenses or keep one eye closed, which kind of defeats the object really.

Is there a reliable method for measuring my inter-pupil distance?

What binoculars that would be good for star gazing could I look at getting that would fit my face?

Would I just be better off getting a telescope and be done with bins all together?

Thanks for your help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to a camera shop for advice on binoculars, and after trying out a few pairs it turns out I just don't have the right eyes for them, I cannot look through bins and see just one circle no matter how much I adjust them or how good the pair is.

The conclusion was that I would be better off with a monocular, which isn't bad actually as they're much more portable and can be slipped into a pocket.

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