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A quick view before bedtime


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Just had a 10minure viewing session with my youngest on the drive. I setup the C80ED for visual on my redsnapper and with the 5mm Hyperion spent a very enojyable 10minutes studying Jupiter, looking at the main pair of planetary bands and three moons. I can't check which at the moment. And then moved on to the moon for a quick look at the terminator and particularly Aristarchus and that area. Easy, enjoyable and relaxed. The view through the C80ED are superb, and oddly the Hyperion in a diagonal is almost par focal with my SLR and extension tube :D

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I didn't mention it, serves me right for typing on my ipod, with a screen that's too small...

the little one thought it was great to see the planet bands and the moons of Jupiter... we'd been having a discussion about why it is that whilst it's night time the moon and Jupiter are still lit and why it is that Jupiter looks so small... He's a bit older than NickH's daughter (http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-widefield-special-events-comets/88393-moon-jupiter-29-9-09-a.html thread for the reference) so that was actually quite easy :D

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What an enjoyable session John :D it must be really special for you to share your passion with your little boy.

Do you think watching one of Jupiter's moon's shadows drift across the planet's surface would be something he'd enjoy? It always blows me away :D

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Thanks Amanda. He seems quite into it. A couple of years ago he did a sketch of the moon after he'd looked at it through my ST80.

I think he, and I for that matter would love to watch the shadow transit, I'm just not sure I've got the right setup for seeing the shadow on the surface. Perhaps the Skymax 102 might be able to do it... Hmm. guess I need to sort out that Collimation properly.

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Just had a 10minure viewing session with my youngest on the drive.

A very special time indeed. I have yet to do this with my daughter, even though she's dying to look through my new scope. My wife and daughter are out of town right now. Due back tomorrow. Have to clean up! :D

John, since your son is about the same age as my daughter (three years, one month), I have a few questions. Did your son have trouble finding Jupiter in the eyepiece? When I show Jupiter to adults not used to looking in eyepieces, it sometimes takes them a while to find Jupiter.

Did you have any problems keeping his hands away from the eyepiece? My daughter likes to grab things, so I think I'm going to put mittens on her before she looks.

I have been pointing out to my daughter the planets and bright stars since before she could talk. She has been asking for Venus, Jupiter, and Vega since she could talk. When my sister's husband heard about this, he said "You've already turned her into a geek!"

Do you think watching one of Jupiter's moon's shadows drift across the planet's surface would be something he'd enjoy? It always blows me away :D

I don't think my daughter would be able to pick out the shadow in my 8", although I have twice seen this. This was something to which I looked forward with great anticipation between the time I ordered my scope and when it was delivered a few weeks ago.

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Amanda, That sound like a plan... now you come to mention it, I'd like to see a shadow transit in a big dob... maybe one year...

A very special time indeed. I have yet to do this with my daughter, even though she's dying to look through my new scope. My wife and daughter are out of town right now. Due back tomorrow. Have to clean up! :D

John, since your son is about the same age as my daughter (three years, one month), I have a few questions. Did your son have trouble finding Jupiter in the eyepiece? When I show Jupiter to adults not used to looking in eyepieces, it sometimes takes them a while to find Jupiter.

Did you have any problems keeping his hands away from the eyepiece? My daughter likes to grab things, so I think I'm going to put mittens on her before she looks.

I have been pointing out to my daughter the planets and bright stars since before she could talk. She has been asking for Venus, Jupiter, and Vega since she could talk. When my sister's husband heard about this, he said "You've already turned her into a geek!"

I don't think my daughter would be able to pick out the shadow in my 8", although I have twice seen this. This was something to which I looked forward with great anticipation between the time I ordered my scope and when it was delivered a few weeks ago.

George, he's a bit older than that, seven at the mo. So it's not really an issue, when I tell him not to touch the gear, he does what he's told (makes a change around here :D). Not too much of a problem with him seeing Jupiter and the moons with him being that bit older. I think it's great when they want to join in and see things. He's been asking all summer.

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