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Post Processing Order

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For pre-processing:

1 Calibrate individual light frames using master darks and master flats.

2 Align all sub frames.

3 possible de-bloom

4 possible hot pixel filter

5 Combine (use an outlier rejection algorithm).

6 save as a 16 bit TIFF.

For post-processing:

1 open in PS and apply Levels two, three or four times depending on what you can see.

2 when the image starts to look recognisable start using Curves for finer control.

3 on no account move the white point.

4 Remember that sharpening in any form will increase contrast (that's all it does) so do not fully stretch before sharpening.

5 Attend to any lack of a natural colour balance in the background using Curves.

6 Do your preferred sharpening routines, high pass etc.

7 Usually follow sharpening with noise reduction.

8 Attend to the overall colour/contrast. (gradient removal)

9 final unsharp mask sharpening.

10 re-size before printing/web presentation.

that's roughly what I do, YMMV.


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