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better approach the moon with dslr

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i know i have already post a thread about this but i have decided maybe to try using my eos 10d DSLR camera on the moon its big enough lol no do i have my iso setting on low or high currrently on 1600 also do i need any more settings for that


the moon is so interesti

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Hi. Kelly.

The moon as you know varies a lot in brightness due to it's orbit around the earth. This results in the moons phases.

When it is full, it is a tremendously bright object, and therefore the camera exposure time must be very fast.

If you are using a digital camera, you can afford to experiment, as there is no cost involved. ie, No film to pay for:D.

The ISO could be left at 100/200 for the moon.

Exposure times for the full moon could be 1/500th second.

Do an exposure, then check the result. If it is over exposed, then increase to 1/1000 second. Chances are, these fast exposures may be too fast, therefore slow them down until you like what you see.

When you are happy, make a not in a book for yourself.

Noting the phase of the moon, and the exposure time that gave a good result.

Repeat the procedure for different moon phases, until you have a record of the exposure times for all the phases of the lunar cycle. Remember that you must have the camera set to Manual, so that you control the timings. Auto exposures will not work properly if black sky is in the frame too.

It will be a good project for you to do.


PS. Spend a lot of time on the focusing, sharp images of the moons details depend on spot on focusing.

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