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Veil Nebula


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This is the full image of the Veil nebula taken with the ZS66/WO FFII/Modded 350d. See my image of the Witches Broom for a closup of that area and more details on the equipment etc.

I think that the camera must not have been 100% square to the focuser as one side of the image (the opposit side to the broom area) was very soft in focus - I had to select the nebula at that side (exclude the stars) and do an unsharp mask on that area.

Anyway I am pleased with the result - last night was actually a 'first light' for the modded 350d that I have had for months and I think it has caught a lot of the Ha nedulosity.

Any hints/tips on improving this image will be greatly accepted as after about 6 months of absence (imaging wise) I am a bit rusty!


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Martin I had to work back from Craigs finished tiff... would have preffered to work up from the stacked data as the problem that craig was asking about would probably have been better sorted out earlier in the processing workflow...there wasnt a lot left to play with if you know what I mean...


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I rather tell you how to work it up from scratch...

it will probably be easier

OK whos been playing with the saturation tab in DSS :)

Thast the start of your problems Craig...

Only boost the saturation by about 15% in DSS I know it will look thin in DCSS and when you first bring it into CS but trust me its what you need to do...

Can you restack the data and just set the saturation to between 10 and 15%

And repost the tiff


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