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Cleaned my primary at last.


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My mirror got rather dewed up at the Salisbury Star Party and it left some nasty water marks so it had to be done...

I've been dreading cleaning this huge 16" mirror but now it's done I don't know what all the fuss was about.

It was rather easy...

I decided to leave the mirror inside it's cell as it's stuck on with some black silicon type material.

So I removed the electric fan and then removed the screws that hold the metal surround (Lower OTA) to the mirror cell.

I then placed the mirror in the shower as we do not have a bath and soaked it with the shower hose. I then put a little washing up liquid on the mirror and with surgical cotton wool I gently moved the wool across the mirror discarding it after each stoke.

I then rinsed off in warm water then tilted the mirror and poured IPA over the mirror which evaporated the water left on it.

It's 100% better now. I then refitted and recollimated the scope which was easy as well.

So my advice would be it's not hard at all so if yours is really dirty give it a go.

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Top man Mick. As you know, I cleaned mine straight after SSP because of the mistake I made in knocking the light shroud when wet, which deposited a whole heap of "stuff" onto the main mirror. It's the 2nd time for me and it looks like new now.

Easy eh !

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