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Does anyone know how to dismantle one of these?


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Hi All, I've been given one of these wireless cameras and the reciever unit.


The camera gets moisture ingress :) so I'd like to dismantle it to see if I can sort out the ingress (hot glue gun :)) and maybe have a fiddle with adding other sources to the transmitter part of the device whilst I'm in there.

It might be 'stuck' due to being weather beaten, I didn't want to grab it with grips and crush the case, so if anyone has a decent idea on how to open one I'd appreciate it?

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Just warm it up with a hair drier. put a pair of washing up gloves on (this improves grip).

get a good firm grip and twist with, a little patience it will come free.

to reseal use a thin bead of silicon around the glass front and the casing.

to reaseal the two casing sections use plumbers jointing tape on the thread just one layer is suficient.

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