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Aug 3 Jupiter, a bit different take


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Well, since deep sky imaging is out for the next few weeks, and the skies were clearish last night, I thought I'd do my first planetary in months. So, about 2am CST, I managed a couple of videos, one which I processed. The turbulence is horrible on that side due to imaging right over the rooftops, so it's not a great image. I decided to post it though, because I believe it may be the first image posted on here processed from a video taken with a modified 1000D... yep, a video from a 1000D. :)

This is something I've been doing for a while. The 500D of course can take videos directly, and I would love to get my hands on one... no chance at least this year. :) So, with the help of a russian software, which allows recording of the liveview stream, I am able to record video, 768x792 on the 1000D, 1024x800 on the 40D, at about 20-24fps.

So, here it is, a craptastic image, about 300 frames out of about 2000, captured through an AT6RC, ultima 2x barlow extended to about 2.7x, modded 1000D with astronomik clip luminance filter (DLUMA). Stacked with avistack and wavelets through registax 5.

Sorry for the long post.



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I had a go at Jupiter the other day for the first time. I'm a novice to imaging so needless to say mine was rubbish and your "craptastic" image is much better than mine. Had a few mins of viewing between two trees. I would have been very happy with yours. Nice one.

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Thanks guys. Well Johan, looks like someone on here has already done this and posted a nice little article:


I'm very curious to see others' work on this, especially someone with good steady skies, and can do a comparo of this vs say a toucam.


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Thanks Steve. Well, it's definitely not in the same league as a good mak or refractor. Ritchey-Chretiens suffer from a rather large obstruction, a bit larger than most sct's, and as such contrast suffers. Collimation is also a bit fiddly, but not too hard to get right. Mine suffers from a lateral aberration, which affects my deep sky images but not planetaries, as far as I can tell. It's also f9 native, which is not truly planetary fl, but not too bad. It's also a 6" aperture, a bit small for that kind of work.

But I don't let it stop me from trying. :)


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