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And yet another new scope!

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This is what I call good timing, just found out to day that there is a Helios ( Skywatcher ) 102 mm F9.8 on an EQ3-2 going begging, and it's mine if I can find the person an easier scope to use :D

It has sat in a living room for the last 4 years, been used once, the rest just as an ornament.

Just got to get on to the mainland and pick it up :lol:

The good timing bit is that I wont be able to use it until August, until the dark returns, so the clouds will have been fooled heeeheeheehee :lol:

naz :D

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Sounds like a good deal to me, Naz. But now we know who to blame for the bad weather in Orkney, Caithness and Sutherland over the next few weeks. I am off to Norway in about a week - if the weather is bad on that side of the North Sea, I know who's fault it is.

Give us a report when you get the 'scope and give us your first impressions.


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It could be 3 to 4 weeks before I pick it up, so it should not effect your trip to Norway Tom. It will coinside with the 24 hours of daylight through June, and I can not be blamed for ruining the summer up here, we had that on Wednesday last week, with clear skies and temps up in to 23 C.


Yes Steve it's the old combination pre-blue tube, I know that there is the standard ep's, but not sure wether there is a barlow or if the polar alignment scope is fitted. Should hopefully be OK as a planetry scope

naz :D

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