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Obsy report 24th July


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24th July

No Moon

Good transparency

It was a 'hybrid' imaging and observing session as I wanted to have 'another' proper go at M13 and test out longer exposures without an LP filter. Had patchy cloud all day but through the evening the clouds completely cleared leaving that wonderful deep blue coloured sky which always raises my spirits 10 fold before the night ahead. I set up around 9 O clock which seemed hardly any different to mid-day. Everything had been packed away through June and July so it was a full blown setup of mount, 2 scopes and all the other imaging gumph. I took advantage of the moment to update my pictures of my kit with the trusty point and shoot camera. I waited until 10pm by which time I could see Arcturus and Vega. "Thats enough for me", I said to myself and did my two star align. After waiting until M13 was past the meridian flop position, I wasted no time in getting the 250px mirror on it. One luxury I do like about M13 is the ability to frame it in the DSLR viewfinder due to its brightness. I totally nailed the focusing this time (Using ImagesPlus). I had a few problems getting the toucam to focus on a guide star as I had recently added a diagonal to the guide scope (the new focuser position is now duly marked with marker pen for future use lol). I punched in 10x 3 minute exposures and am pleased with the results (see my post 'M13 - Very Happy' in the deep sky section).


Once I finished my imaging, the sky was simply gorgeous. I could just see the milky way which is no mean feat from my back garden! As the scope was already pointing at it, the Hercules Cluster was my first target. Stunning as normal. I moved across to M57, it seemed remarkably bright at 200x. A wonderfully defined ring which just had something more to offer than the 'smoke ring' that is noramlly seen. Next, the double double.. 'wow I love my scope' could hear myself thinking lol. Both pair split well and 200x seems to be the sweet spot for me. I slewed across to Alberio for a quick look at 48x and 200x respectively (I look at this thing ALL the time but never fails to please me). The next target was the highlight of the session... The Veil complex. I first checked out the witches broom with OIII filter. Incredible detail like swirling ribbon with a fiery star right through the middle of it. The nearby Western Veil was not something I had looked at for any length of time before. As I was at 48x magnification, I had to slew quite a way (couldn't use the GOTO as I had forgotten the NGC number for it lol). What a sight... its such large remnent now and lovely detail. OIII filters simply excel at bringing this object out. As I had the OIII screwed in I took a look at M27 as well.. brighter than I can remember seeing before so transaparency must have been good tonight. It was 1am by now and the final part of my observing was done through a 2" 32mm eyepeice simply sweeping through Cygnus. Something every astronomer should do with their largest eyepeice. Countless starfields at every touch of the hand controller.

With that my darks had finished and I packed it all away patting the 250px with my hand on the way out thinking.."you did good tonight".

Thanks for reading.. sorry for the novel lol



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Great report. I don't think you can beat the Veil with a decent size scope and good filter. I spent some time at Kielder last year looking through somebodies big dob and it was just like the photos (bar the colour). Good stuff.

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