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Can I take photos of the moon?

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Idiot question time.

I've got a skywatcher 250px dob, and a canon 350d DSLR. Now, I know dobs aren't really suited to photography, but should it be possible to get some snaps of the moon? After all being really bright and whatnot it shouldn't need long exposures and the lack of tracking/equitorial mount is less of an issue.....right?

So if that is right, whould this:

Adaptors - Max DSLR Camera Adaptor

be something I should get?

Or am I on completely the wrong track here?

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The adapter you have suggested will be ideal. As MikeA has suggested the resultant image will be very bright, this helps as it keeps exposure times down to a realistic level to catch a lot of detail on a non-moving mount.

One important word of caution though, and perhaps others can advise better, there may not be enough focus travel on your focusser to enable you to bring the image to focus with a DSLR. I think it's the in-focus that causes the problem (50% chance of being right).

There are several options available to you if this is the case; A low profile focusser; use a barlow lens (causes greater magnification but allows focus to be achieved) adjusting the position of the primary mirror (involves adjusting all of the collimation bolts to raise the mirror up the tube a bit, IMO probably a last resort).

Hopefully others can comment on the focusser on your telescope, I have a flextube dob and that can achieve focus with a DSLR, hopefully your will be able to as well, it does look similar in advertisements.


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Another afterthough is if it is the same focusser as used on the flextube, the 1.25" adapter has a T threaded section. If yours is the same you would only require a T Ring adapter and not the adapter/nosepiece combination you posted.


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