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Eyepiece selection for 80mm refractor

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Dear members,

As a beginner I was wondering whether I could prevail upon you for some advice regarding eyepiece selection.

My wife recently bought me a skywatcher equinox 80 ED-APO OTA as a surprise present. Unfortunately, she thought she was buying me an entire setup and we had a good laugh when we realised that the aluminium case it came in didn't also contain a mount+diagonal+eyepiece(s) - and yes she even lifted up the foam in the bottom of the case to check!

Anyway, I have been doing a bit of research on what selection of eyepieces to get and must admit I am a bit lost. The selection (and price range) is enormous. To narrow things down a little, I was thinking 2 eyepieces to begin with and possibly a 2x barlow or even a 2.5x teleview powermate. The one eyepiece I have more or less settled on is a teleview 20mm plossl (which seems a good compromise between price and quality). Is this eyepiece a good option or could you all suggest an alternative? Also, what would you suggest for a higher magnification eyepiece? I guess most of my initial viewing would of the moon and the more obvious stars and as I gain in confidence (and skill hopefully) I would like to look further afield. I don't wear glasses and have pretty good eyesight. I am also thinking of getting a williams optics 2" diagonal and an EQ5 mount.

Many thanks in advance for your help


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I would suggest that with a telescope like that, you don't want to put a cheap ep on it, as that would be like putting cheap speakers on a very expensive stereo. The TV line is a good choice, although you may want to look at some wider field eps of similar high quality. See my article on ep selection for advice on focal lengths.

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The William Optics 2" diagonal and EQ5 are great places to start. You may want to look at the Synscan version if you want goto capability.

As to the eyepieces - I'd be looking at three eyepieces plus a decent barlow (powermate or Celestron ultima):

- 2" wide field eyepiece

- Around 25mm eyepiece

- Around 10mm eyepiece

With an x2 barlow that would give you (if the 2" was a 32mm say...) 35, 25, 12.5, 10, 5. If you do buy a barlow, make sure the lenses you do buy are not multiples of the barlow multiplying factor. Pointless buying a 20mm, 10mm and 2x barlow as you "lose" a lens as barlowing the 20mm gives you a 10mm... Kinda obvious but...

You may also find this thread interesting reading (especially the post on the second page by Steve pointing at the widepiece eyepieces):


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Guys, many thanks for the advice and also for the warm welcome.

I guess I would be looking for two eyepieces to start with in the region of about £60-£80 a pop. What I am really looking for are eyepieces that will compliment the scope in terms of quality. I don't want to go really cheap, but then again I don't drive a porche or ferrari!

The wide field sounds good. What I've been looking at are eyepieces like Baader Hyperion, meade 4000 and william optics. Does anyone have any comment about these eyepieces or suggestions for alternatives.

By the way, I've read some nice reviews of the TV 2.5x powermate although I ma not sure what the advantages are of this design. It also makes choosing the right combinations of focal lengths to avoid duplication a little more difficult.

Once again, many thanks


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I have the WO Uwans, I like um, but the Hyperion's are very good, yes stick with the power mate IMHO. You could look at the WO swans, pop down and try some and see which you prefer, in this game what suits one does not suit another. Also if your purchasing 2 EP and a powermate ring up different suppliers and see if they'll do you a deal, its always worth asking. Read reviews on EPs too. You want go far wrong with somelike a 25mm 16mm with your 2x or 2.5 x PM once again IMHO.

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