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With a daughter under the stars


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After using Calsky yesterday afternoon , I saw that the ISS was due a Transit Pass over Jupiter. Whats more my location was in the center line. So decided to have a crack at catching it with the camera.

Only problem I would be facing was a near full moon right next door .

On announcing to the family my attention I was asked by me oldest if she could accompany me. Natasha has shown an interest a good few times whilst I have been out back with the scope's . So for her to ask to come along to the Observing Station at such a late hour impressed me somewhat .

We arrived to a clear light,pale blue sky. A few clouds were scuttling about but nowt much to worry over. Boy was the Moon bright and low. Jupiter was also bright . Hmmmm. Few test shots confirmed that he Moon was definately going to be blown to piece's. Not a lot I could do , I needed to get at least , I reckoned 20s exposure to capture the ISS trail in the sky as it passed between them. I would also prob's only get one chance at this. Pressure , especially with you're daughter looking on and asking all sorts of ( the right ) Q's.

As we had arrived with plenty time to spare I set up the C80 on the mount and let Natasha see , for the first time, Jupiter and some Galilean Moons.

We both saw it nicely framed in the FOV at 8mm. At this point , Natasha said it was like a Humbug sweetie . Really ?? Sure enough , there was slight banding showing. Quickly exchanged the zoom EP for a barlow ( 2x) and a 10mm EP . Although still slightly hazy from atmospherics it was def' certainly better than my view a few nights back. I tried a pic but it was carp . Def' need to get a CCD camera soon.

Natasha wanted to see the Moon through the scope , explained it would be blindingly bright so to be aware, note to self , get filters as well with ccd camera ! It still amazes me when I see the Moon through this wee 80mm, sharp as a tack .

I let Natasha view the Moon as I checked the camera and tripod for the Transit.

Suddenly Natasha said, '' Dad , whats that over there ? '' as she pointed NNW .

Eeeeeeeeek !!!!! ISS arriving . It's at this juncture that all you're planning kinda comes into question!

What followed next had Natasha in stiches , like an Owl , me head was going right, to ISS, left , to viewfinder, right, back to ISS, left, to viewfinder, right, back again to the ISS left, back to viewfinder as I checked to make sure the angle of the camera was correctly set. I now hate tracking curves of satellites [smilie=cussing.gif] Its also the time you're grabbing thin air trying to grab the shutter realease cable ,lol.

Waited , waited , engaged the shutter and hoped ( neigh , prayed! ) that I would capture it .

All the time , Natasha was saying ''Wow '' '' Woooooow '' I said '' give them a wave Tasha ''

'' What , you mean there's people in that ?''


''Wooooooooow , I wanna do that ''

Dad smiled.

On checking the the recorded image , I could not see a track line. Dad groaned

This was the longest pass that I have had the pleasure of seeing last night. It seemed to last an eternity. It was also Natasha's first sighting of the ISS, she was ''well impressed'' to quote her.

I then showed her some NLC clouds that had appeared behind us. Explained what they were and how they looked the way they do. Grabbed a few pic's of them . A first for me actually . Had seen a fair few over the years up here but never had the camera to hand to record. They are the most gorgeous looking clouds any being could ever see IMHO.

A little while later , Venus had risen in the East. Pointed it out to Natasha , slewed the scope ( manually ) around and let her see through the EP. Very bright , very slight ( and I mean very ) slight phase showing. Whilst she was observing , I noticed that Mars was also showing a few degree's above and to the right of Venus. Barely visible but there all the same and red in colour. I pointed Mars out to Natasha as well . Another ''Wow''

( honestly , she does know other words ) :mrgreen:

Grabbed a pic of it as well , it was only after processing that I realised that the Pleiades were also top left of Mars .

Natsha asked if '' Uranus '' was showing

''Kids !!! ''

Told her it was '' Up there somewhere above and left of Jupiter''

( best I could do ,lol )

We spent a good couple of hours last night looking at stuff, visually and with the scope. Natasha asked all the right Q's , I can only hope I answered them for her. She def' enjoyed the experience, she wants to go again. Astronomy has a new recruit now [smilie=eusa_clap.gif]

Came home to start PP and low and behold the ISS pass had been picked up in the sensor . Ok Moon was shot to heck and back but hey ho , I got the pass.

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Thanks for a MOST enjoyable read, Pete! :) Sounds like Natasha makes an excellent observing companion... how old is she? It'll be nice to have someone there to put the shutter release cable into your hand (love that part... been there done that SO many times :) ).

Btw, in your reports, please feel free to include links to your Imaging Zone threads where you posted the night's Captures. It'll make it easier for us to pop over and have a look. ;)

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An inspiring account of the evenings adventure Pete.

Fortunate too that your daughter showed her interest in sharing the nights project with you.

It's great you got a record of the pass of ISS, the moon?, well, there will be more opportunities for that.

Your daughter sharing the experience is the real reward of your evening.

Nice one.


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Carol , Natasha is 16 come Feb' I put some images in the relevant sub forums.

Ron , yeah Moon shot to heck and back major diffraction ( no NC Tools used ,lol ), it was always going to do that if I wanted to get the pass trail.

Dunno if its worth layering it with another ,probs not.

It was def' quality time with her, she saw a lot on her first 'proper' outing.

Thanks all.

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