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Eyepieces and Barlow's

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Hi, I've recently come into possession (courtesy of the For Sale section of the forum) of a Skywatcher 150:

(First Light Optics - Suppliers of Skywatcher, Celestron, William Optics, Meade, Coronado Solar, Tal, Burgess Optical, Baader Planetarium, Astrozap and Kendrick)

I find myself in need of some eyepieces and possibly a Barlow. I was thinking of going for the following:

Antares Antares 3 piece eyepiece starter scope upgrade kit

Or possibly this:

ScopeTeknix Super Plössl Eyepieces (6.5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm & 40mm)

In addition to one of these:

SnS 1.25" 2x Barlow lens (all metal barrels)

I'll be using an EQ-5 mount, not that I suspect it makes much difference, but bearing in mind all I have at the moment are a couple of eyepieces largely there to let me actually see something, which of these would you recommend?

Altenatively, bearing in mind the type of 'scope, what other basic high quality eyepiece and barlow set would you recommend?

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I haven't used any of the eyepieces you have linked to, but it depends on what you want to spend really as like most things, you get what you pay for. Plossls are good all-round eyepieces that will stand you in good stead. The thing you might want to be aware of that some of the cheaper models don't work as well in 'fast' scopes such as yours.



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what other basic high quality eyepiece and barlow set would you recommend?

Not sure whether your comment is intended to be ironic but despite having no experience of the eyepieces you list, I would not expect them to better than what you have.

In the long run, you'll do better to acquire eyepieces gradually and spend quite a lot more on them than the ones that you list.

Why not give Steve a call at First Light Optics? He will give you unbiased advice.


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Depends how much you want to spend really. When I started up I bought a Celestron Starter set really to get a feel for how they, and the scope, would perform.

The starter set that won the Sky at Night test was this one I think.

Anyway after having used it for a bit I found that although it was good, and very useful to guide me as to what I REALLY wanted I started upgrading to better quality EPs.

Depending on what you want to look at I'd suggest a nice wide 30-32 mm for deep sky views as a starter. Be wary because some EPs dont work well in fast scopes like yours so its well worth asking Steve at FLO what he suggests.

EPs are VERY personal things. I use a very oversized 38mm on my SW 200P - technically its too big for the scope with too large an exit pupil but I like it lots.

Mostly I'd suggest wait a while, get out somewhere with other astro fans and get some eyetime in.

The basic EPS that come with Sky-Watcher scopes arent that great BUT they really arent as bad as some people make out and the 25mm I found to be rather good really. I doubt some of the other cheap EPs would do better.

Hope thats some help to you.

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I agree with Mel. Don't get obsessed with kit just get yourself a chair, starmap and a red torch and enjoy yourself. Find yourway around the different constelllation and find a few of the well known DSO''s, and don't forget the planets and the moon.

If in time you are still enjoying it and decide this is the hobby for you then go out and buy your Pentax's and Nagler eyepieces.

Remember the skies will always be there, this is a hobby foor a lifetime not just 1 week.

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