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skywatcher 1145 goto motor problems

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hello everyone :)

I've always been interested in what's above my head so recently I decided to do something about it and buy a scope. To cut a long story short I bought a skywatcher 1145 synscan scope of e-bay and the bottom motor doesn't work. What I'm after is do any of you kind people know where I can get it repaired. I really am a novice at this and I don't want to fall at the first hurdle before I've ever seen anything.

Any help would be most appreciated.

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Optical Vision at Bury St Edmunds appears to be the Skywatcher Iimporter. opticalvision.co.uk

However they state they do not sell to the public and you have to go via one of their distributors. They may however be worth an email to ask if they could help (as in can they get the item you require) or if they can suggest someone suitable. Basically can they get the bit and can they then get the bit to someone for you to buy it off.

Failing that Skywatcher are in Canada (are they ?). skywatchertelescope.net if my favourites list is correct.

After that (and a long shot) try pulsar optics. They are at Ely and they "seem" to have bits around the place if you ever visit. The thought being they may have a used unit they are willing to sell you the bit you require from. Possibly a used unit and just swap it over.

A slight warning pulsar and scope'n'skies are one and the same and s'n's have a poor reputation for getting bits to some people.

Where about are you in the UK?

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Did the e.bay advert clearly say that one of the motors was not working ? - if not then you could have some redress with the seller, especially if you paid with Paypal I think.

I'm saying this because these mounts have built in motors which I think will be hard to repair / replace (I hope I'm wrong) so you may wish to take the issue up with the seller in parallel with trying to find a way to repair it.


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Suggest you email Optical Vision and email and ring Pulsar Optics.

I only suggested Pulsar as I live close enough to drive and so when there I can see what is around. That was why I suggested a call as I have seen what appears to be a few "old" scopes around that appear to be suitable for spares or being repaired. I will say that most of what I have seen are Meade's. But worth a try.

Not sure if other telescope suppliers have "broken" scopes around for canabailising. May be worth asking.

Before you start asking do you know the name/description of the item you need?

May be worth putting a post on this site under the equipment section in case someone has a base they have lying around.

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The SkyWatcher Skyhawk 1145P telescope uses the SynScan Alt/Az GOTO mount and tripod. This is a new mount introduced this Spring. It is so new that the SkyWatcherdoes not list it as a product on their web page as of yet. SkyWatcher also has another version of this mount that has only tracking abilities. Basically, the difference between them is the hand controller. It too is very new, came out this winter aqnd only recently made it on SkyWatcher's website. I doubt that you will find any parts for either of them.

One possible source for parts is Celestron. The mount is essentially identical, except for a plastic cover and hand controller, to the Celestron SLT goto mount. I suspect the parts, etc. are interchangable.

However, just because the motor does not work does not mean that the motor is defective. The problem could be in the circut board that sends the drive signals and electrical current to the motor.

To replace the motor, you will need to open up the mount. This is often a pandoras box getting the proper torque back on the azimuth and altitude axis bolts. Like Goldie Locks, this has to be done just right, not too tight nor not too loose. You will not find any specs available to help.

One long shot. One quirk with the skywatcher synscan alt/az goto mount is the hand controller. Just because the hand controller's cables snap in place with a solid click does not mean that the cable is firmly seated. This can make the mount act strangely or not operate at all. Check and insure that the hand controller cable is firmly seated...this may require a little more than a gentle push.

Another long shot. make sure your batteries are good and fresh...the cheap o generics may not be up to the task.

Since you purchased it from eBay contact them immediately. Unless the seller clearly stated the telescope mount was defective you should be able to get your money back if you don't wait too long. If you are able to get your money back, sin no more on eBay use a telescope dealer, online or walk-in shop.

If you can't get your money back, ouch!.


Sxinias Greece

Meade 2090AT refractor, 90 mm, f=800, f/8.9

Meade 2045LX3 SCT, 102 mm, f=1000, f/10

Celestron C6S SCT, 150 mm, f=1500, f/10

Meade DS2000 GOTO Alt/Az Mount

SkyWatcher SynScan GOTO Alt/Az Mount

Celestron CG5 Mount iOptron Nova GOTO

8x50 Binoculars


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many thanks for taking the time to reply. I've opened the bottom of the motor up you can see the small cog turning but it doesn't seem to have the power to turn the larger cog. I've used new batteries and the top motor directing the scope up and down ( forgive my ignorance for the correct termonology) so it's not a power issue that way. There is nothing that I can see that would restrict the larger cog from turning the scope from side to side. I guess I'm just going to have to take this one the chin as the scope was advetised thru ebay but I contacted the seller and offered him a price and paid him privatley thru paypal, I don't think I'm covered that way.

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Another longshot...

Can you see the motor spindle turning inside the cog? I'm guessing that these cogs are held in place by small grub screws and it's not unknown for them to work loose.

[EDIT] I just read your last reply where you say the small cog is turning :)



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Where are you based ?

If near to me I could take a look. I have no experience with this particular mount but I am dab handed at stuff and have stripped a more complex mount and gotten it working.

I could take a look and, at worst, be able to tell you if its repairable at a reasonable cost or if theres something simple thats wrong.

I am very electronics capable (good enough to fix a Toshiba DVD system a few weeks ago for sure :) ).

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Did you ask the seller whether they ever had any issues with it. They may be genuinely unaware of the problem. It may have got damaged in transit.

There is a telescope place in South Shropshire called Evergreen Optics, maybe drop them an email to ask their advice. Orion Optics are probably closer to you in Crewe but not sure whether they would be interested in looking at a SkyWatcher, but you could always ask.

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Unfortunately I am about as far away as could be. I live near Gatwick Airport.

I do kknow a dealer who had a damaged mount identical to yours - cosmetically it was wrecked when a customer knocked it over. I popped in there today to see if they still had it but they said it got sold recently.

If you wanted to post it I could take a look but I'd be worried the cost of postage might be more than its really worth by the time its come down to me and you have paid to ship it back.

Is this a full GoTo ( Synscan AZ GoTo) system by the way or just the standard tracking version (supatrak auto). I am assuming tracking version only. It might just be cheaper to get a new mount for it - its up to you as you will know what the cost of postage is already.

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hi its the full synscan Goto system. The postage should be about £10 each way so not to bad. If you are ok to have a look for me that would be great but please don't worry if you don't want to I won't be offended

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Oh I dont mind taking a look, I'm more concerned that you spend £10 each way and then maybe I cant fix it anyway so you are another £20 down the pan.

If you want to try that then I'll take a look but no guarantees on this one.

Have a think about it - let me know by private message and I'll give you my address details.

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Before doing anything, I'd take the issue up with paypall and your credit card company. Send an email to the person who sold you the scope requesting that he take it back. If he does, you are OK, If he doesn't keep the correspondence and the contact your credit card company and put a charge back on your card. Parallel with this effort (immediatly because the longer you wait, the less chance you have to get your money back), contact PayPal and place a charge back with them. This will start an investigative process that most likely will result in you getting your money back if the telescope was not as advertised. PayPal is pretty much on the side of the buyer with these kind of issues as they depend upon buyer confidence to stay in business...At least this is the perspective of a person who is a seller.


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TBH I dont think ebay will be interestd as it wasn't sold through an ebay auction but through a 'side' sale.

Paypal similarly probably wont take much of an interest. My own experience with ebay and Paypal is they talk a good story but the reality of trying to ever get a refund from ebay (certainly up to a few years ago) is a nightmare of bureaucracy of truly Kafkaesque proportions. I know cos I tried it and gave up in the end.

I'm not saying is not worth at least asking but I wouldnt hold my breath. Credit cards are good with chargebacks against merchants but in this kind of situation its really a case of 'Let the buyer beware' as private sales usually are near on impossible to get legal redress from and if the seller wont take it back its almost always a case of taking stuiff to a small claims court.

Its worth at least asking though for sure.

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Well the offesrs till there for me to take a look. My cheif worry is you have already been stuck with a dud mount. If you end up paying another £20 postage and I CANT fix it or its a write off for any reason you are throwing good money after bad.

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You could try looking up your local astronomical society and taking it along to their next meeting. You should find someone there who would be more than happy to take a look for you, probably best to take some basic tools along with you though.

If you get no joy with the option above then let Mel have a crack at it. If it was me I'd be happy to let Mel (Astro Baby) take a look at it, having met Mel and also read her great tutorials, I'd say that if anyone can fix it she can



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