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No gorillas, only Joops in the mist....!

Kokatha man

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Read sometime back on SGL where people were commenting about the propensity for fog/mist to actually heighten seeing for planets etc.....this morning I got to trial this claim and although I'm sure other apspects such as reasonable transparency, low jetstream activity and a high pressure overhead were also contributing factors I'd have to agree with the "fog theory"....!:p:):)

Wasn't going to worry about imaging Jupiter when I saw the fog at 1.30am but at 4.30am I thought I'd test the assertions (the fog was a bit thinner but still all-pervasive and both the Moon and Joop had a "veiled haze" around them.)

Well, here's one of the first mono's (will worry about the tiresome travails of some semblance of colour-correction later!) and the detail present has me accepting the "fog-fetish-afficionados" claims (try saying "f-f-f" 3 times quickly!!!)

I reckon it's my most detailed Jupiter from the 6" achro and has me thinking there's still some more improvement to be extracted from the old fella before the 12" reflector takes over the imaging business at my place....!:)

S/W 6" achromat (f8) at f44 (5X p/mate and short extension tube.....DBK21 at 7.5 fps, approx 500 frames.

Hopefully (eternally) there are better avi's still "in the can" from this morning's session!:D:D


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Great image!

I still can't get my head around why fog should improve things

It doesn't. But the presence of fog is an indication that the lower air is steady, which at least gives the seeing a chance to be reasonable.

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