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EQ Mod Whats it for?

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Hi all, Keep hearing about eqmod and wondered what is it for? and do i need it? I have a HEQ5 Pro which i control with the Sky6 and plan to do some guided deep space stuff in the future using Maxim.

Can any body advise.

Thanks as always.


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It is a programme that allows you to dispense with your Synscan Controller, and operate your telescope via your computer. It will interface with Maxim, PHD, and other software. You can also use a wireless game pad for controlling scope slew etc.

Since I am quite new to its use myself, others with vastly more experience will enlighten you further.

You will need an Interface between your computer, and your mount to allow communication. That, or a special cable.

The software is free too, but you need to spend a small sum for the Interface, or cable.

It is very popular, and it is getting better by the week.


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Can I just mention that with the latest Synscan firmware, there is no need for the dedicated EQMOD hardware, you can just connect your laptop to the handset, and select "PC Direct" mode. Once done, NEVER touch the handset again.

Biggest advantages for EQMOD are the N-star align (build up multiple alignment points, and add to them as the evening goes on if required), gamepad control of mount (you wont realise just how useful this is until you have tried it!), GPS integration, the "simulator" mode to try and test things with without the mount attached, its ASCOM compliant so any ASCOm program can use it, and a whole lot of other things that I have forgotten abou right now :cool:

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What firmware version is it Steve, and is it intended only for those wishing to have EQmod minus the EQdir, or the special cable.?

OK for new devotees, but I suppose if most already have EQdir , we may as well stick with it. I prefer to leave the controller out of the chain.


Can I just mention that with the latest Synscan firmware, there is no need for the dedicated EQMOD hardware, you can just connect your laptop to the handset, and select "PC Direct" mode. Once done, NEVER touch the handset again.

Biggest advantages for EQMOD are the N-star align (build up multiple alignment points, and add to them as the evening goes on if required), gamepad control of mount (you wont realise just how useful this is until you have tried it!), GPS integration, the "simulator" mode to try and test things with without the mount attached, its ASCOM compliant so any ASCOm program can use it, and a whole lot of other things that I have forgotten abou right now :)

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pretty much everything from v3.21 onwards has PC Direct mode A lot of people having "random" issues with it (or seriual connections in general) tend to find its their USB to serial adapter thats at fault, and replacing it for good quality ones fix the issues they were having

I went through half a dozen different USB-to_Serial adapters at work for another serial based project until I found one type that worked 100% correctly.... I went out and purchased 4 of them after that :cool:

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