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EQ6 Capacity


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I am in the market for a new scope. Something like a 10" Newtonian f5.

I am considering the GSO but the weight of the OTA and the rings and finder comes to 15kg. By the time I add the guider scope and the cameras I guess I will get close to 20 kg.

My question is. Will the EQ6 good enought for imaging.

Many thanks for your help.


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Will the EQ6 good enought for imaging.

I doubt the EQ6 is solid enough for long exposure deep sky imaging with any scope bigger than 8" unless you have an observatory to keep the wind off it and a very solid pier. Visually it should be OK with a 10" f/5 Newt but you're pretty close to the limit.

Weight isn't everything, it's a question of where the weight is. A Newtonian has a longish tube with a lot of side area and most of the weight is concentrated at the ends, which makes it hard to handle compared with a SCT of the same aperture, even if the weight was the same.

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I have the same setup as Steve (Stepponwolf) and have no problems whatsoever imaging with this setup even in quite breezy conditions, altho I would say its in a observatory mounted on a permanent pier.

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