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Better planetary imaging scope?


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I know this sounds lazy, but I'm not in the mood to set the two scopes up and get an answer myself. So here goes... :lol:

Do you reckon I'd get images any better using my 150mm f8 (1200mm) refractor and MV filter with 4x Barlow than my 150 f 12 Mak (1800) and 2x barlow?

I ask because setting the frac up stops me using my Newt at the same time whereas I can set my Mak up and the Newt at the same time.

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Rob i know that Maks are great planetary scopes but for

planetary imaging its important to get the F ratio up around

F 30 - 40 for the best results.

Then again if your frac is not up to the job the Mak will have to do i suppose :lol:

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So which one gives the best views? I'm interested now as i can't seem to get my Mak. to do imaging. Visually it rocks, but stick a webcam up it and it sulks for some reason. The Newt. loves imaging but the images are smaller than I'd like and it's a marginally bigger setting up job. If I can't get the OMC140 to image, I think I'll get shut as my skies only allow imaging due to LP.

Captain Chaos

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The refractor gives the better planetary views by far if you don't mind the CA. Where the Mak "wins" is that it takes a EQ6 to mount a 6" refractor but only a EQ3/2 for a 6" Mak.

I think a fairer comparision would be a 5"-6" Mak against an ED100, similar cost and similar mounts required.

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