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Pelican Neb IC5070 Borg 77ED


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IC 5070 or the Pelican Neb (well some of it!!). Fantastic conditions last night although from the forcast it was only going to be clear till midnight, i ended up calling it a night around 3am!!!!

Ok then onto to the details. 12 x 10 mins Ha with the Borg 77ED and ART 285. Giuided via Guidemaster and 66SD with the QHY5. Captured via Maxim, flats subtracted. Post processing with PS CS3.

Ta for looking

Alan cheesy.gif


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LOL I'm like that as well Olly. I can never work out what bits you would need, seems llike so many different combinations.

Fantastic shot Alan. It looks just amazing in mono.

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